What Happened All Those Years Ago:Canadas Colonization

Canadas Colonization

 Hi everyone welcome back to my blog! Today we are talking about Canadas colonization my latest unit. For this project we talked about treaty’s and the different roles that were involved in the Canadian colonization. We talked about the indigenous, missionaries, wealthy people, poor people, and the Filles Du Roi. I mainly foucased on the filles du roi. As usual I will now show you all three of my keystones and my final project!


Character Card

Our first keystone was choosing one of the following: Missionaries, indigenous, Wealthy people, poor people, and filles du roi. Once you chose which one you wanted to do your name was put in a spinner and whoever got called got to research that person and answer questions on them. I really wanted to do the filles du roi and I got chosen three times. Here is my finished card:



Paragraph Outline

For the next keystone we did a paragraph outline where we had to make a topic sentence and then write heading and fill in the information. We also had to use quotes to support our work. I don’t have as much to say about this piece but I am still proud of it!

The Script

For our final work we had to make a video with a group on all the different roles and how they were affected and so for our third keystone it was the script. I found it really easy to write my parts for the script because I just used the information that I had already wrote down from my previous work and just summarized it and it turned out great!

The Video

Lastly the video, I had a lot of fun making this because we got to film outside in the Forrest and every time we filmed it was really sunny outside so that was really fun. I also was the one who did all the editing and putting all of the pieces together which was really fun. So without further adoo please enjoy this movie!


As always it was fun doing this project and it is probably my second favourite project of humanities I think my first favourite is still Christopher Columbus project! Until next time!

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