Ethical judgment. Who decides what is right and what is wrong? The law decides that and so does the government. However, looking back to the past we can see that they were not always right. Historians now look back and debate on whether or not the decisions of the past were just or not. This is what our class did for the past few weeks. We were tasked with choosing events of the past that were ethically questioning. With my partner Matthew, we decided to research the Doukhobors in order to answer our driving question; How can we present past actions and decisions through images to help us make decisions of what is fair or unjust?
In this project I used the following competencies.
During this project we were also reading about Louis Riel as our primary example of ethical judgment. Reading this book helped me make connections to the real world and history. The book portrayed how the Métis were treated and the unfairness of the government back then. With discussing the book and using my past knowledge from the Star Wars unit, I was able to understand that it was biased and to read it with an open mind.
I thought that Matthew and I did a good job with our images and adding different layers to symbols. I was most proud of the animation that I made. It had two levels to it. The first was the person who was representing the Doukhobors. At the beginning of the animation I showed him with his hands over his mouth. This represents the fact that the Doukhobors had tried to change. However, after many problems involving land, discrimination, and the denial to practice their religion, the Doukhobors had had enough and decided to speak out and protest. This is shown in the animation as the man lowers his hands, jumps up and picks up a torch. I decided that the reason why he jumped was because he was freeing himself from the burdens of the government. This was also their reason to their choice of protest. They burned their own objects to express their religion and show their freedom of marital possession. The second level to the animation was the background. In the beginning there was the flags of the countries involved as well. However by the end the countries had exited the picture.
Looking back, I wish that I had decided to change one of the photos to one of the government. Since the objective of this project was to be able to look at two different perspectives, it kinds defeated the point when all of our visuals showed only the Doukhobors. Showing the government would show both sides and be more ethically questioning. I also think that I could have managed my time better because that way up I could make more drafts and get more freed back to improve.
This project has taught me about how to look at situations with an open mind. It has also broadened my view on how we can decide what is fair and unjust and the depth of knowledge that we must gather in order to make a decision about a situation. I think that overall it I was able to make images that conveyed a message.
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