Hello everyone,

It’s almost the end of the year. Grade 8 has really flied by. So many things have happened but now it’s time for our TPols (Transitional Presentations of Learning). I’ve already done something like this halfway through the year. It was called a SLC(check that post out). This is exactly like the SLCs. I will be presenting a piece of work that I am most proud of, what I learned the most from, the goals I have completed, and new goals I have set.

The piece of work that I am most proud of is my “This Changes Everything Project”. I was in the communication group and we made a keynote book about how communication changed. After that we made a presentation to show apple. The presentation was about this little earpiece called the Apple Voice but this was more than an earpiece. If you want to know more about it check out my post on that. Overall on this project I felt as though we had done a great job, using the critique we got we were able to put together amazing work. The bad thing is we never got a chance to present it to a large audience which was what we had in mind.

The work I learned the most from is the spring blue sky exhibition. I did so much for the spring exhibition. It was a project I really enjoyed so I would always work on it at home. For the blue sky project details you should check out my blog post on it. I really felt free when working on it. The challenge I had picked to solve was something I needed to fix anyway. I learned many skills and the project is not going to waste because my bird actually uses it.

The piece of work I have gotten a growth mindset from is our poem book. While writing the poems I was honestly worried about getting all the tasks done. I was so scared of doing bad so I just thought I was bad at poems and I couldn’t do better, but that’s not the right mindset. I learned that when you let yourself just do the work it becomes much easier. It was fun to write the poems but what was way better was actually making the poem book. To read more on that and to see my poem book go to my blog post on that.


During the Slc’s I listed three goals to finish by the end of the year. First one was to learn how to finish my work before I am supposed to hand it in. I used to put things off until the last minute but using the app reminders I was able to make a schedule of when to work on what. Throughout these months I was able to achieve this goal. My other goal was to be more organized. I had already began this when I wrote it in my Slc blog, so within one month I learned to be completely organized. The last goal I wrote in my Slc blog was to learn to use more complex words. I’m still working on this and hopefully by the end of the year I will be able to expand my vocabulary. This won’t just happen though so I got this app called dictionary and every day it tells me a new word, this would be very helpful it will teach be different words so I could replace simple words.

I think as I am growing with Plp my experiences are changing and I’m having a lot of fun on the way. Hopefully you enjoyed reading my Tpol post.