This first month of grade 10 my class worked to find evidence to answer the driving question, why does the world need more Canada? We read stories and articles, and wrote paragraphs, scripts, and essays to help us answer this question. First, we read about identity and the identity of a country and made a 1 minute video explaining what it means to be Canadian in small groups. Then we read stories that symbolize canadian events or identity, these stories included Tupelo, a story about a crocodile far from home in a new place, and The Jade Peony, the story of a family that had moved from China to Canada recently and their struggle to fit in. Our jobs were to analyze these stories and figure out what they represent to do with why the world needs more Canada.Â
After we finished with the stories we started to think about our podcasts, we picked our topics and wrote pitches to the teachers. This is my pitch:
I originally wanted to figure out why Canadians are so nice through resources and history but there was no reasearch on that so I decided to prove to my listeners that Canadians are nice people using historical moments and facts about Canada. After my pitch was approved, I did some reasearch and found some evidence which I put into my essay, which I spend a lot of time on and am super proud of, this is it:
I think this essay is a great example of my growth as a learner since grade 9. This year I had the mindset of what I do in school matters, getting my work done and handing it in on time shows that I can focus on one task at a time, and will also get my grades up and get me into university. I’m very focused on being successful in my career and education this year even though I know it will be hard, I know if I engage in lessons and work hard, it’ll pay off.Â
After I finished my essay I wrote my script for my podcast explaining and proving why Canadians are such nice people. After I finished my script I went on to recording and editing my podcast, which right now I’m not finished, even though the podcast was due a while ago, I plan to finish it tonight or tomorrow.
So, why does the world need more Canada? Well, Canada is a very diverse country that has many different cultures as part of its history. Being a colonized country, Canada has always had influence from other countries. In my reading of Tupelo, the story I mentioned earlier, I saw the representation of how open and accepting Canada can be to new people or cultures.
During this project I think I did a good job explaining and showing why the world needs more Canada, I sourced my research, explained in detail, and used my time well to work on it.