What is the role of the media in exposing injustice and influencing public opinion?

The media played an enormous role during the Civil Rights Movement. Before the outside world could get a glimpse of the violence occurring in the Deep South, racism was at an all time high. Police brutality and Klan murders were an often occurrence against coloured people. It wasn’t until the media reported on the violence against coloured people in Birmingham that things would change. Multiple news channels were broadcasting the Birmingham police using unnecessary force against coloured men, woman, and children.

Once the world had seen the violent nature of Burmingham police, people began to get involved in aiding the civil rights movement. Eventually the civil rights movement became an amazing success, with coloured people being treated equally.

After learning about this I began to wonder how media exposes injustice and influences public opinion in today’s society. After doing some research, I learned that ISIS uses multi-media platforms to recruit new members. ISIS propaganda is extremely different from how our local news reports about them. ISIS target young people from across the world, and give them reasons to join.

When we are presented news about ISIS, we learn about the terrible things they do. This influence the public opinion on ISIS greatly, causing fear and hatred against them. News channels report on how we are fighting ISIS, and that ISIS is bad. Similarly, ISIS uses media to recruit members, and make them think joining ISIS is doing the right thing.

In conclusion, media can and will always play a role in exposing injustice and influence public opinion. In most cases, the news is coming from a biased opinion.