Innovating Bicycle Helmets… Kind of

As the end of the year became close, so did Blue Sky. By the time I got back from my Trip down to the south, it was time to start creating my Blue Sky. This years theme was design, which was different from last year. Last years Blue Sky project did not have any theme, but this year our project had to solve a problem we faced. Refer to this informal video for more information.

After some intense brainstorming, I came up with a problem I often face. While biking down steep hills, such as Mt. Seymour, one needs bicycle glasses to see. Without glasses the wind will force you to squint, and it is very hard to see. I often forget my glasses at home. To solve this problem I wanted to build a detachable visor that fits on every kind of helmet.

I started with the draft, following the measurements of the glasses I currently use. I then proceeded to cut,and build. Here is the video of me creating the final product, including the creative proccess I went through.

I went through a interesting creative process through the making of this visor. As you can see in the video, I thought using hot glu on the sharp edges would help. Even though it did help, it looked very ugly. I decided to use pipe cleaner instead of the hot glue. I also went through many different ideas on how to keep the visor attached to the helmet, and I ended up choosing to use Velcro.
