Serbia Started the War, and I’ll Tell You Why in This Rap

Who started the First World War? Serbian nationalism and expansionism were profoundly disruptive forces and Serbian backing for the Black Hand terrorists was extraordinarily irresponsible. These actions done by Serbia caused a ripple effect in all European countries, which eventually caused the First World War.

To convey my opinions and thoughts on this topic, I decided to write a rap. I worked together with Michael Sutherland and Zakaria Rook, and we created a radio-show style video similar to “Sway in the Morning“.

Our video portrayed a webcam radio show where listeners (spoiler… we were the listeners) could call in and freestyle their opinion on who started the war. Here is our video.

Whos rap sounded the best?

Who had the best content?

This has been my second time writting a rap for a blog post, last time being my MLK v.s. Eugine (Bull) Connor rap battle.

Rap Battle so Heat the Crib Lit on Fire

With my previous experience, it was not as difficult to write. I started by noting all the information I wanted to cover, and these notes were:

-Serbia had government officials that were part of the black hand

-The black hand member Gavrilo princip assassinated arch duke Franz from Austria Hungary

-Austria Hungary comprised an ultimatum after the assassination which stated that Serbia had to allow Austria Hungary to inquiry the assassination, to suppress anti-Austrian propaganda within Serbia, and eliminate the terrorist organization, and Austrian Hungarians to be present in court

-Serbia accepted all terms, except for Austria Hungarians to come into their country, thus upsetting Austria Hungary who then declared war.

-Russia stepped in to protect Serbia, and Germany to protect Austria Hungary

-Serbian nationalism was strong, as they urged for one national gouvernement. They wanted all Serbians to return to the country

-Thinking that Austria was going to attack before they even declared war, Serbia had their army assembled

-Serbia wanted the Austria Hungary empire to continue to be oppressive to the serbs in Bosnia, because this fuelled the anti Austrian movements.

I then proceeded to use Rhyme Zone to form my rhymes. It took me roughly an hour and half to write my rap, then another hour to record. I used an application on my computer called audacity, which is similar to garage band, to record.

Bellow are the lyrics of my part of the song.

If you ask me, Serbia was the cause
Government officials were the breaking laws
Being part of the black hand and having power in your country?
That sounds to me just a little bit funny.

Your government supported terrorist groups
And you still wonder why we sent in our troops
Assassinating the archduke was really not cool
It made Gavrilo princip look like a tool

Every other country truly did hate him
So Austria Hungary sent u an ultimatum
The request they asked for was not the large
But unfortunately you just wouldn’t barge
Serbias nationalism was immense
Austria Hungary just acted in self defence
Expansionism on Serbians mind
Austria Hungary was just on the grind

Austria Hungary wanted an end to the black hand
They asked for permission into you mainland
After you declined, Austria declared war
It was all your fault there was so much gore

Russia came to Serbia’s aid
The First World War is where they conveyed
Germany was on Austria Hungary’s side
Europe became a nation divide.
