Voting in Canada Eh’

Okay. It seems that it is finally time to dust off the cobwebs on this blog and write another post.


Today we will be looking at voting in Canada, and how it went from a privilege for some to a right for everyone… over 18 at least. Jackson R and I were assigned to create an explain everything with that as our driving question. The two of us started by creating a story board for how the explain everything would play out. Not that hard right? Wrong. Making this story board was probably the hardest part. The only reason creating this was so hard was because we had to get our thesis approved by our teacher. It took about a total of two full classes before completing this masterpiece!


Once the story board was completed, the two of us went straight into creating the explain everything. I personally love using this app because of how easy it is to use, and how creative one can get with it. Since the start of the year, my explain everything’s have gotten progressively better. I try to use animations as often as possible to aid the story telling aspect of the video. Our final piece explains the essential question through multiple different racial groups achieving the right to vote, until everyone could vote. At the ending, we also talk a little bit about the future of voting laws in Canada. I hope you enjoy watching this explain everything, and here it is.