
1. Specific, measurable goal for Humanities.

2. Specific, measurable goal for Science/Math.

3. A personal goal that is related to work habits, habits of mind, or personal development.

My one goal this year for humanities would be to finish my homework assignments to the best I can, go over them with my parents, and occasionally with my teacher before I hand them in. I want to get the best marks I can this term and by doing that it will be much easier to achieve that.

My goal this term for science would be to go over the vocabulary we learn, since that is my biggest struggle. I want to feel comfortable with the scientific terms so in case we have a pop quiz, and then I will not have to be worried.

My personal goal for the year would be to put my school work before my video games. It’s easy for me to put off my homework for later when I could be playing video games, and I want that to change. For the year I’m going to think about my homework before I think about going to play games.
