If you could make a superhero out of any element what would it be?

Recently in scimatics (science + math), the grade 9 students have been learning all about the different types of elements and the periodic table. In plp fashion, we also had a group project to go along with the usual worksheets and tests. The project was for us (the students) to design and then create a superhero that would have similar properties to a certain element in the periodic table. My group and I chose Krypton.

Image result for krypton element

Daily assignments to be completed to demonstrate our knowledge of the elements, for example, making a poster board showing the periodic table.


The poster board had to include the different families and groups of the elements and their atomic mass. We also had to find two elements and describe their physical and chemical properties.

Next, we started to research our element. My group chose Krypton because we found out that along with fluorine it can create a very powerful laser. This laser is claimed to be able to produce an energy wavelength 500 times as strong as the entire U.S. electrical grid. All the best superheroes have lasers anyways.

Image result for krypton element laser

After that, we were put to the task of building a Bohr model of our element. The building was pretty easy and fun, but I couldn’t help but notice that my group and only one other brought the materials needed to build on the correct day. Interesting…

Here are a picture and a time-lapse of the creation and the final product of the model

Video                     img_28841

Overall this project has been pretty fun so far. It has helped me learn more about the periodic table and especially krypton. I like my group, but I think we will work better together in the future if we find out the strengths and weaknesses of each other beforehand.

Thanks for reading my very short blog post on the “superhero project”, and I hope you have a great day.
