Media. If you think about it this society is heavily influenced by media, and one of the main wyas of media is advertisements. In your every day life probably you’ll see an ad on TikTok, YouTube, on safari, etc, and due to those advertisements is how businesses grow and gain attention.
For a project we studied advertising and we’re elected in groups to study a business. The overall main goal was to created a finished ad for the business. There’s a lot more parts to advertising than you may think, but first we need our driving question “How does advertising persuade, sell, and influence society?”
My business that I studied is Kam Meng. It’s located in Newport, Oregon and it’s a family-friendly Chinese restaurant. To begin building my advertisements there are many detials to consider which is why one the things we did was interview an employee from the restaurant. They gave us plenty of information needed for the ad such as what the company values, specific things they want included within the ad, preferred colour palette and other useful ideas for my ad.
Now that we’re on to building our ad, we need to think about the driving question again. “How does advertising persuade, sell, and influence society?” Businesses use advertising techniques and appeals to persuade, sell and influence their product such as making you feel guilty or making your feel better into buying or investing in something. In class we also learned plenty about ways to present our ad and how that influences the audience. You want something that catches peoples eyes and attention, something that they’ll remember.
This was my prototype, my very first advertisement for my business.
As you can see it’s plain, simple but boring and it isn’t eye catching. I redid it again and again. I asked feedback from my peers, my business group and especially my teachers. It took a lot of time and critique but I finished with a finale product I was proud of.
This is my finale product:
Building towards my finale product I made plenty of drafts showing my progress towards my finale.
Overall getting critique and pushing myself to improve my ad again and again helped me in the end to achieve a way better result. Now onto the driving question “How does advertising persuade, sell, and influence society?” From the all then things I’ve leanfred over this period of time this is my finale answer: advertising uses persuasive techniques to influence society by creating a need or desire for a product or service. It can be effective in selling products by appealing to emotions, using celebrity endorsement and create and memorable slogans. However, it can also be manipulative and misleading.
Spring exhibition
School years almost done and I’m so happy. As much as I love writing to you guys, I’m happy to get out but before I can let me talk about my business that I presented at the spring exhibition.
To sum it up, we all got a business in groups to research about and eventually create an ad for. My business was called Kam Meng and it’s a Chinese restaurant in Oregon and fun fact my class actually got to go to Oregon and we actually ate there. It was pretty good, or I’m thinking that because on that trip I was really hungry and personally I thought we were at fat camp.
Before making out finale ads we went through a lot of preparation such as learning all about appeals and advertising techniques as well as pathos, logos and ethos. Also while making my finale product for my ad I went through a lot of drafts because mine just kept getting changed or disapproved. In the end mine did get approved, only because I was way past the deadline and my teachers were mad at me but it was ok.
Now for exhibition, it was fun mainly because there was lots of sweets but I somewhat enjoyed showing ands explaining my ad to the public. Showing them the work we’d been researching for in Oregon and also showing them what their money had turned into. To be honest the teachers were quite stressed for exhibition and I guess we didn’t help to much either but in the end everything worked out and the rest of the night was fun, but definitely not as fun as the winter exhibition. But I did enjoy getting chipotle.
My finale Ad for Kam Meng:
This is my booth my group built in 4 days, representing Kam Meng:
For our activity we had a jar of rice and you had to guess how many grams it was, and we also had lots of snacks for our public audience.
It’s that time of the year that we’ve all been dreading, and if you haven’t there’s something wrong with you. It’s time for Tpols so welcome to mine. In this I’ll be answering the driving question, “Why do you feel your ready to advance to the next grade level?”
At the beginning of the year, everything for my future was planned, the projects I would do and the places I would go such as the long awaited Oregon trip. But now that I reflect everything my year went very different than what I imagined at the start of grade 8.
So this is my story of how my first year of grade 8 PLP and my learning.
For the most part I would always debate on whether I should go to this class or do something else to be honest, because either you wouldn’t do anything or you’d do so much. But while I attended there were a couple projects I fairly enjoyed in some way such as:
Consequences of colonization!
I liked several parts of this project but not all and I’ll explain. The ending result of this project was to create an AR video presentating your reinterpreted art. I had no problem with the learning and creating of this project because I enjoyed making my own art that was somehow related to the original but it was the timing and teaching that annoyed me. When we were suppose to learn how to create the AR video we had a sub so that sucked, but our teachers didn’t explain it either so no one knew what to do and we were so close to the finish line. But a classmate of mine figured how to do it and she ended up teaching the class the day before the due date. Overall I had quite a lot of fun but due to teachers being away and bad communication I did not enjoy the amount of stress there was to finish this project.
This is my AR presentation of my art:
Travelogue! Out of every project I liked this one the best because it was for me the most creative one. For this project we had to create a book, essentially a travelogue about a European explorer. I picked Jacques Cartier, and I made a book about his discovery of the New World. Parts of the book had to be authentic but other parts I got to make up such as he enjoyed looking at the stars and using them for navigation. We got to draw, add pictures and personalize the book as much as we wanted. Overall my time management was good for this project and I enjoyed learning a lot about Jacques and his travels, but this is where the fun for humanities ended for me.
My travelogue:
I never quite understood what Maker is or how it helps with our learning but besides the fact there were a couple of projects I enjoyed doing such as:
Pandora’s box Winter Exhbition: Of course this is here because this project was so much fun I actually chose to attend class. The conclusion of this project was to build a box based off the movie avatar, and it had to have a theme. Building the box was very time-consuming and it needed a lot of materials if you wanted it to look good enough. But that wasn’t the hardest part, the hardest part was you had to memorize the story that went along with your box so that you could tell it to the public during exhibition night. Even though I stayed up many nights trying to build a tree for my box I still really enjoyed this project because I felt it was more of the hands on learning I expected from PLP. After an hour or two of presenting most people got tired and at some point I just took a really long break because I didn’t wanna do it anymore, but I realized I had worked really hard on my box so I stayed for a while after because I wanted people to see how much work I actually put into it.
Winter exhibition blog post:
Making interesting images: This project was more on the easier side which is probably why I like it more than others. The overall ending of this project was to create a digital scrapbook basically. We took pictures everywhere, as well as we took pictures of our favourite people and wrote about them. I had mixed feelings for this project because at first I enjoyed it, but also, was it important to be learning about pictures when we could be doing some thing else more beneficial? Now reflecting I wish I had more projects like this because now we do big projects, and we no longer have something like this that we can look forward to because it’s soft on the mind at least for me. I liked taking a photo and writing whatever I wanted about it, even if it wasn’t teaching us too much. In conclusion I enjoyed this project because for the week we were doing it, everything was still, no homework not too much effort in class, It was nice to have a bit of a break from the rest of the chaos of PLP.
Cover of my scrapbook (the rest is personal)
At first thought, I didn’t think science was much of a big deal but once it started, it’s where I started losing my focus in school. My focus was wandering off. I would talk to different people all the time. I wouldn’t do my work at all. I preferred presenting it, especially in partners if someone did the work, I would end up presenting it because I was more comfortable with that. I didn’t think it was too bad, but then my grades started changing and I realized maybe something was wrong. I knew I had problems of my own, but they never affected me in this way before, especially academically. As much as I didn’t pay attention, these two projects did sit with me for the time being at least:
Video game: It’s pretty obvious what we did, we created a video game, but it was much more than that. We had to use code and design our own game showing science, especially atoms. I struggled quite a lot with the coding because I didn’t understand it, no matter how many times the teacher explained it, it just didn’t make sense. I tried and tried again, but I couldn’t get the coding to work the way I wanted and it frustrated me a lot. Eventually, I had an aid help me because I couldn’t solve it on my own. In this project, I started seeing the change in my learning, and I didn’t understand it. I kept thinking maybe I’ll work harder the next project, but same problem happened. I didn’t know what was going on or how to fix it which is where my grades dropped. This project was a real struggle, because in the end I made the bare minimum just so I could pass this project with something at least.
Here’s my video game and blog post:
Immune system characters: This project really helped my mind because I enjoy drawing. You had to create little immune system characters invite a little story about how they helped in the human body. For example, you could write about Barbara and she’s a B-cell and she helps the human body by fighting off viruses. It was fun to create a story about a character I had made, but it was also authentic because the reality of the story was true. For my characters I drew them as robots, and they’re pretty cute. This was one of those projects that made everything feel still again. It was soft on mind and let us explore on our creative sides. Overall, I like this project very much and I wish to do something like this again.
Link to my immune system characters:
From the goals I set out in my MPOL I did achieve almost all, I got more out of my comfort zone, I don’t care if I speak in front of people, I’m more comfortable working in a group, but essentially I think I stopped caring about other people and their opinions. That has its pros and cons because at some point you stop caring too much and that’s where all the drama starts.
I wish I could write more about how my year was but that’s not the point of this post, essentially. This is to show my learning and that its purpose. This is just grade 8 and I don’t know what’s gonna happen in grade 9, I’m not sure if I’m gonna keep having problems academically or if something else happens. To answer the driving question, this year I’ve gone through so much already and I don’t know whats going to happen in the future but I’m willing to go through the process with PLP because I feel there is still so many adventures waiting for me in this program.
Wow. This was my first PLP trip and it was certainly different than what I had envisioned. Over the whole trip, we must’ve been to a million places because it felt as if we went everywhere in Oregon, and due to us going to so many places I learned plenty of new things. A lot of the things I learned were about business and the places we went to such as the museums; I especially learned about my business I was researching Kam Meng. It’s a Chinese restaurant and we actually got to eat dinner there one night. We also dove into a bit of science when we visited Yaquina Head. My quest group spent our time looking for different marine life down by the beach. After spenading my time digging in black seaweed I found a spider crab as big as my hand, that was the best part of my day besides breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lastly for any “educational” learning, I got to know new advertising techniques and appeals such as pathos, ethos and logos. For the rest of the things I learned such as how important I valued having wifi or data before the trip and how for next time try not to get grounded before I go on the trip so I have money to buy junk I most likely won’t end up ever using. To wrap it up the Oregon trip was very memorable, from all the drama happening at the back of the bus to falling asleep in the end and having your picture taken, it was fun and I’d go again if I could.
These are some pictures that were most memorable and appropriate:
This is my book that I completed on the Oregon trip.