Oregon trip: What I remember
Wow. This was my first PLP trip and it was certainly different than what I had envisioned. Over the whole trip, we must’ve been to a million places because it felt as if we went everywhere in Oregon, and due to us going to so many places I learned plenty of new things. A lot of the things I learned were about business and the places we went to such as the museums; I especially learned about my business I was researching Kam Meng. It’s a Chinese restaurant and we actually got to eat dinner there one night. We also dove into a bit of science when we visited Yaquina Head. My quest group spent our time looking for different marine life down by the beach. After spenading my time digging in black seaweed I found a spider crab as big as my hand, that was the best part of my day besides breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lastly for any “educational” learning, I got to know new advertising techniques and appeals such as pathos, ethos and logos. For the rest of the things I learned such as how important I valued having wifi or data before the trip and how for next time try not to get grounded before I go on the trip so I have money to buy junk I most likely won’t end up ever using. To wrap it up the Oregon trip was very memorable, from all the drama happening at the back of the bus to falling asleep in the end and having your picture taken, it was fun and I’d go again if I could.
These are some pictures that were most memorable and appropriate:
This is my book that I completed on the Oregon trip.