Science + Math = What?
“Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known,” this changed my brain chemistry because if I think how hard science is to learn, what about the person who created it, the people who added all their new findings and knowledge without having any blueprints to follow. New things are being found everyday so eventually couldn’t I find something new, like a new element?
For this unit we learned about the Periodic Table and you may think it already looks complicated but it gets way worse, there’s math involved. From learning how to represent an element in drawing form such as the Lewis diagram or the Bore diagram, to how different elements combine into compounds. The periodic table is interesting because we can see every element on our iPads easily and at the same time their make up our ipad and everything else in the world.
We haven’t finished our project which is a painting we will create of our element of choice, but we have done all the learning and reaserch for it. I chose fluorine as my element and I was really able to dig deep into the history of it, which brings me to our driving question “What impacts do elements and compounds have on history and modern day society? Fluorine changed our society, it harmed us and benefited us. To show all the work I’ve done I made a poster about fluorine which you can see below:
The process of learning everything was enjoyable and steady which gave me the oppurtunity to really take charge of my work without feeling overwhelmed. Even though we haven’t finsihed yet I loved making this poster of fluorine and I can’t wait to paint!
Bye bye!