Limb by limb, scene by scene…

As I tore apart multiple stuffies, their arms legs and torso and resewed them together. I had created a monster, a monster named Todd. 

1. Making our Frankie stuffie

My frankiestuffie is named Todd. I created him from octopus, flamingo and bear. But I wasn’t always sure of his design. I had a vision and an ambition to make something weird and different. As I grabbed random stuffies of the shelves of superstore I got already see him being born.

Throughout this part of the project I learned how to sew and use my creativity. I’ve given Todd personality, characteristics and so much more. He’s a humourous guy but later faces challenges when it comes to making a story. 

2. Making a story

We started with gathering information about how to portray our story. With our driving question “how do we as writers make our message clear and engaging to an audience.” Through our story we can use verbal communication, animated actions, clear plot, hints and so much more to interact with our audiences understanding. 

3. Creating a film

Now we implement our story into film. In these past few weeks we learned how to use different apps that have been provided to us to create our film. I decided to use keynote and iMovie to deliver my story. I animated within keynote using their tools, including animation, media, voice recordings and more. A big part of these process was creating a storyboard. 

This is my story board:

My teachers told the class that every animated movie has to start with a storyboard, it helps with the animated process. Giving slides, frames and details to fortell the final product. 

4. Final product 

This is my final film. It is based in the White House and it’s a mystery film surrounding the idea for unfair government and economy. The rest is for you to find out:

Overall this entire project has taught me skills within apps that I will later use in the future when needed. There were multiple successes and also failures, like when I couldn’t import might movie properly so it was just a random project in keynote and I thought I had nothing left for me. Another failure was editing, this killed me. The timing to link everything together took many tires and plenty of time. The success though was the finished project and the stuffy. I loved how both turned out together. As well as it showed me ways on how to communicate efficiently to my audience whether it’s in animated or art form. I enjoyed this project especially creating the stuffy and then making an entire story for my character. 

Bye bye



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