Winter exhibition again…

If I could describe PLP in one word it would be ambitious, and especially when winter exhibtion comes around it really shows. 

For this winter exhibition our learning started around the beginning of November. They explained the project to us and it was crazy. We would have to build a working Rube Goldberg machine, (a machine that is overly complicated in which works with chain reactions to accomplish a simple task). We had to build one but there’s a catch, every connection of the machine had to present a metaphor from revolution. 

My revolution was the French Revolution, the one with Napoleon. Beforehand we spent time getting to know our revolutions personally and to show our learning and understand we made inforgraphics. This is mine:

This information was transferred into our machine in which I created and built with my group including James, Neko, Alva, Kaia, Gino, Kainono and Liam. Our idea was to have 7 different connections that each of us built and personalized and in the end attach them together. This seemed simple to us until we started building.

The process of building was so long and tedious, some days were good and some days were absouloutly terrible like one day when someone destroyed our guillotine. It took a long time to get it fixed and to even get it working. As exhibition night came closer and closer, stress and anxiety skyrocketed. But there were some highlights like the day we got to spraypaint everything, it was really fun until it got on my hands and wouldn’t come off. There were definetely challenges but it all worked out in the end, kind off.

Exhibition night was stressful but once it was over I was so glad, not just because it was over but because it happened. We built a machine that maybe worked once but we still built it and including we had made documentary to go with it to show the revolution and process of building. Looking back on everything I liked this project because it was lots of hands on learning and creativity which is the reason I joined PLP. 

These of the videos that were made:



To answer the driving questions “How do ideas drive change?” Without ideas nothing would’ve been created, ideas are the building blocks for our world. It can be the start of a new machine, or law, or shift how we live. They can make someone’s life harder or easier, they spark new ways of thinking and doing. Ideas can be big or small but either way they shift the world in some way, better or for worse.

That’s all but thank you for reading,

Bye bye

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