My Worldview is a Jungle

Over the last month in my Humanities class, I created art. Now, when I say that, I don’t mean that I painted or drew. I mean that I wrote poetry! If you want to read “My Worldview is a Jungle”

My Book

As with every project in PLP, we had to present something. What did we present, you ask? Well, we wrote a book! This was actually not as hard as I expected it to be. We used an app called Book Creator, which was pretty intuitive and user friendly.

This is what my book turned out like!

My Poetry

Of course, in order to create the book, first I had to write the poetry. At first, I didn’t really love this part. I found that as the project went on, it was easier to find ways to make this process more enjoyable. I will write more about this when I write the driving question and how I answered it, but writing about some things that I enjoy made it a whole lot easier to write poetry.

For this project, I did nine poems: a simile poem, a sound poem, three haikus, a imagery poem, a free form poem, metaphor poem, and a found poem. I definitely found the imagery poem, and found poem the easiest to complete. I found writing the haiku, very hard, as we had to explain our worldview in very few words. I found that the imagery poem, which I entitled “Canada”, was the most fun to write. It is about how where I live impact my worldview.

The Driving Question

In this project, the driving question that we had to answer was, “How can we write poetry that we both enjoy and shows who we are?” I think that I found the answer to both of those questions.

There was one poem that really stood out to me throughout this project. That was the imagery poem, which I chose to entitle “Canada”. This poem really helped me to find out how I can enjoy writing poetry. At the start of this project, I did not enjoy writing poetry all that much. As this project has gone on, I have a newfound appreciation for writing poetry. I have found that poetry can be really enjoyable if you can find a topic you will enjoy writing it on. Even if you don’t, since poetry is a form of creative writing, you can use creativity to find a way to make it into something that you do like.

“Canada” also helped me learn how to write poetry that shows who I am. I realized that, yet again, the topic can be the key. if you can find something to write about, that really reflects who you are, it’s not a big step to the poem showing who you are. Overall, I really enjoyed this poetry project. This has definitely been one of my favourite things that I’ve done in humanities this year.

The Art

For the book, we didn’t just have to write poetry. We also had to create complimentary texts to put beside our poems. At first, I thought that meant we would have to write paragraphs that would explain our poetry or whatever. It turns out I was very wrong. A complimentary text could be pretty much whatever you want. In fact, it doesn’t need to be a text! It could be a video, a drawing, another poem, or something different altogether. My favorite complimentary text was the one that I created for “Canada”. Here is how I made it.

1. I got an idea of what I wanted it to end up like. I wanted to have an outline of Canada with every province a different photo of something in that province.

2. The second step was to get a Creative Commons licences outline of Canada. Below is the one I ended up using.

3. Once I had that, I imported it into Sketches Pro, and then started gathering all of the photos of all the provinces. Here are a few of my favorites.

-British Colombia


-Nova Scotia

4. Then, I had to add the photos in the shape of all the provinces to the outline of Canada.

5. Once I finished adding putting all of the pieces together, it was done! Here is the final product!

Now, this is only one of my complimentary texts. If you want to see the rest of them, you can take a look at them in my book!


Thanks for reading my blog post! I hope you enjoyed reading it!


4 thoughts on “My Worldview is a Jungle

  1. Ferns are my friends too Mimi! I love your poetry book 😊 Thanks for detailing how you made your Canada art piece as “complimentary text” – it got me looking much more closely at it. Well done Milaina 👍🏼💕 -Love auntie Jeannene

  2. Milaina, thank you for sharing this lovely collection of poetry, providing me with the opportunity to get to know you better and to discover more about how and what you are learning in your exciting PLP. I loved how you developed your writer’s voice by using poetry frames and found poems at first, then moved on to a more free form that revealed you personal style. The science and nature images you use are so vivid and interesting.

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