Bon Voyage! ⚓️⛵️🚤

The Age of Exploration The Age of Exploration was, in short, when many European explorers discovered, conquered, and colonized other places. The main areas they travelled to were North America, South America, and Africa. These lands contained different resources that Europeans traded for, bought and sometimes just took for themselves. The age of exploration was… Continue Reading Bon Voyage! ⚓️⛵️🚤

The Adventures of Me and My Telescope

Hi! This is my first ever post about my telescope. I occasionally anthropomorphize my telescope, and so I might refer to her as Panthera once in a while. My telescope is a Stargazer, model Startravel 120. My telescope One of the reasons I opted for this particular telescope is that it is very versatile, and… Continue Reading The Adventures of Me and My Telescope