Ideas From The Radical Renaissance

Hello, and welcome to another blog post! In our latest project we worked learned about how ideas from Europe and Asia changed the world during the Renaissance. I learned how to use different photo apps to edit our images. We were working on creating triptychs, a popular form of storytelling at the time. In these triptychs, we had to include the new innovations that were popular during the renaissance (left), what they have evolved into during the modern era (middle), and the original ideas that were common before the Renaissance (right)

We started by creating drafts of our triptych, which were just sketches. These were meant to show the evolution of the ideas from the Renaissance, and answer the driving question. Below is a slideshow showing the evolution of my drafts.

Here is my finished triptych, and below is my explanation of my triptych.

Thesis: The innovations from Europe and Asia have had a much bigger impact on the world than just adding new gadgets to our arsenal of new tools by changing the social structure of the world and paving the way for even more new ideas.

During the renaissance, many new innovations and ideas were introduced to the world. These ideas changed the world and allowed us to be the society that we are today. However, there was a lot of trial and error in these inventions, and many of them were discredited at the time. In this historical explanation I will discuss the way that innovations from Europe and Asia changed the world.

New ideas in the Renaissance changed the Renaissance world by introducing new ways to create music, new ways of keeping time, and new theories about outer space. The Renaissance, which took place from the 14th to the 17th century, was a time when a lot of new ideas were introduced to the world from Europe and Asia, which have evolved into the gadgets and theories that we know today. These were incredibly important because without them, I wouldn’t be able to tell what time it was right now, and I would be late for school. We might not have a music program at our school, and the songs that I so often take for granted might not even exist if it wasn’t for the renaissance. If we still believed that the sun and the moon revolved around the earth, then we wouldn’t be able to explore space or understanding anything about what is happening outside of earth. To conclude, these original ideas are what drove the world to change, and are the reason that it was called the renaissance (renaissance translates to rebirth in English).

The origin of the innovations from the rennaisance sprang from the original ideas that were used before the renaissance, such as the idea that all of the planets orbited around the earth, the sundial, or even the basic instruments that were made by hand. Many new innovations may have started off as just ideas, but eventually grew into things that we use today. When a polish astronomer by the name of Nicolaus Copernicus first introduced the concept of how the sun was at the centre of the solar system, he was widely mocked, but this is an idea that is common knowledge now. Before the renaissance, there was no reason to measure exact hours, as the sun rising and setting could mark the days, and its position in the sky marked a more specific time. Even though instruments and music were a huge part of almost every culture before the renaissance, live performances became incredibly popular at that time, and still are today. To summarize, simple ideas that might not seem like much can become so much more if they are allowed to be tested.

The ideas from the Renaissance gave us a lot of inventions that we use today, such as the theory about the planets, which has evolved into the theory that we have today about the solar system, or how we now have digital clocks on basically everything, or even modern instruments like pianos and guitars. Today I can go onto my phone and see the exact time, anywhere. I can go onto the internet and look at different diagrams of the solar system. I can even go to a store and buy any kind of instrument that I want, if I have enough money. I can do all of these things because of the ideas from the renaissance, which evolved into the innovations that we have today.

To conclude, the evolution of these ideas is why we are able to do all of the things that we can do today. We only have these inventions because of the renaissance, which is why it is such an important time in history.