The driving question for this project is how does what we hear, read, and see influence us? For the past five weeks, we have been learning and gathering information to answer this question.

To see when this all started, let’s head back to one of the very first posts we received, Adult World Connection. This is where we first found out that we will be working with a real life business to creat an ad. As you can see from the image above, my team got Honeys.

At first, this project felt extremely intimidating, I was supposed to work with a real life business for goodness sake! Once we started to gather information and learn more about advertising, it started to become a lot more clear though.

One of the things that helped me feel more excited about advertising was this video by Apple called Welcome Home. Here is the video.

This ad was created by Apple to advertise their new Home Pod. The reason why this made me excited for this project was because it is amazing to see how fun and cool advertising can be. This video gave me the tingles when I first saw it because it has a story and it makes you feel things.

That video made my creative juices start to flow and I desperately wanted to start to work on my ad but before I could even think about what I wanted to do, I had to contact the business. This was the part that I was dreading. I am not totally comfortable with speaking to professional adults about professional things so this made me very nervous. Obviously the owner of honeys was very kind and I was able to get a free doughnut from them!

Now I was so excited to start my ad, I had all the things the owner wanted us to include, the colours, the text, the product. So I decided to start my first ad.

This was my very sad first attempt at making my ad. Looking back at this, there was so much empty space, most of the images and text were off to one side and the background colour was disgusting. I didn’t even include the colours or information that my business wanted us to.

Obviously, I had no clue how advertising worked. One of the biggest problems with this ad in my opinion is the colours.

One of the things that helped me understand more about colours and contrast was the design principals workbook. The design principals workbook was an activity we did to learn more about advertising techniques and appeals.

This is one of the pages that I benefited the most from. It doesn’t look like much but even just trying out new colours and images made everything a lot more clear.

After this, I new I was ready to start making other drafts. This is a slide show showing all of my advertising drafts, from the first one to the last one.


After I was happy with my individual ad, our group started to work on the group ad. You can see our final group ad at the very top of the post. We took inspiration for Kira’s individual ad. Her blog will be linked down below.

After we finished making the ad, its time to reflect back and answer the driving question I talked about at the beginning. How does what we hear, read, and see influence us. I think it influences us because we normally have a lot of trust in big brands and corporations. As soon as we hear, read, or see something that they are telling us we tend to believe it. We also are influenced by social media a lot. Especially likes, comments and follows. Sometimes it can even take a big tole on peoples lives. People may start to get so desperate for attention and being famous that they will start to do stupid things. But, not all things are bad. We may find new hacks, friends, interesting information online, it just depends what you want to do with it and how easily you can be influenced.

Thanks for reading my post!


Teammates blogs

Hayden, Kira, Christian, Caden, Keenan