Hello! Welcome back to my blog. This will be part two (the last part) to my constructing creative communication series!
This time, instead of learning about drawing, I learnt about photography.
One of the first activities we did was turning objects to life and making them tell a story. I decided to make two of them here they are.
I loved doing this activity. I think that this one was my favourite because i found it really fun to mix photography and drawing together. I also really liked the way I took the biscuit photo because it looks like it was floating on its own. I rate this activity a 10/10.
The next thing we did was take picture to show a different mood. The mood i got was angry. Here area few of my favourite ones I took.
To take these photos, I just went into my bathroom with the lights out and I also used a flashlight to create shadows and highlight sustain parts of my hand and face. I had a lot of fun making this and I learned a lot about how to take photos to express a feeling. I rate this activity a 9.5/10.
The next thing we did was create a whole bunch of things to put on a page in our blog
Doing this, l learned a whole bunch of really cool things. One of my favourites was my collage because I found it to be really fun to make. I rate this activity a 9/10.
I also was able to take a whole bunch of photos while we were practicing our skills. Here are some of my favourites.
Over all, i learnt a lot about expressing emotions and different ideas into photography. Whenever I need to take a picture, I will always and have been using and thinking about what ha
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