Hi welcome back to my blog!

For the past couple of weeks, my humanities class has been working on a project about worldview and the book The Outsiders.  

In this project, our driving question was, what can The Outsiders teach us about worldview.

For those of you who don’t know what or who the outsiders are, it is a book written a while ago by S.E. Hinton. It is about two gangs, the Greasers who are not very wealthy and the Socs who are rich and most of them are pretty mean. 

One of the things that really excited me but also made me quite confused was that we would be presenting our ideas in a tableau. A tableau is a still scene that you show with your body.

 We also learned a lot about worldview. There are 7 worldviews, values, beliefs, society, economy, geography, time, knowledge. Worldview is things you believe and thinks based on where you live, experiences, ancestors, religions and many other things. Everyone has different worldviews.

At the start of this project we made a Mindnode about worldview. Here it is. ⬇️ 

And obviously to do this project, we had to read the outsiders. Every time we had humanities we would discuss questions about the book. I really enjoyed the book and I thought that it was super interesting.

One thing that I loved doing was creating a movie trailer and a movie poster about The outsiders. Our team created a movie trailer that was a 2021 version of what we thought The Outsiders would look like. We wanted to show cyber bulling because it is a lot more popular than ever before. Here it is. ⬇️


I also created an individual movie poster staring Dally. I wanted to show how I much he hated the world. I included the worldview about beliefs. Here its is. ⬇️

We also made a group poster. We wanted to show a bit of geography and beliefs. I think that this one turned out pretty well. Here it is. ⬇️

After gathering a whole bunch of information about worldview, tableaus, and The Outsiders, my group and I got a scene for The Outsiders to show in our tableau. We got the scene when Ponyboy was getting drowned by some Socs and Johnny stabbed a Soc named bob killing him. This is the tableau our team came up with. ⬇️

We also had to create a 2021 version of the tableau. Instead of Ponyboy getting drowned, we wanted him to be punched by the Socs. We also included a person filming it because people do that nowadays.

We also filmed ourselves setting up or set. We included a fountain, a tree, and plants. Here it is. ⬇️


At the end of the exhibition, I was so tired. It was very hard to repeat the same thing for two hours straight. It was still extremely fun and I learned a lot. 

While reflecting I came up with my three A’s. Appreciation, Apology, and A-ha. My appreciation was for my group because everyone brought a lot to this project and no one was slacking or being to controlling. My apology was that I was late to help clean up because I was watching the grade 9’s amazing court trial thing. My a-ha was that i found tape to fix our backdrop because it kept falling down. 

A big thank you again to my team!

Here are their blogs, make sure to go check them out!






Thank you for looking at my blog! Bye!