Hello Blog!
For this Scimatics project, we were asked to test the Pythagorean theorem and the law of reflection at the same time. Our final project would be creating a laser display which you can see above.
Above is my project start mind map. These are questions I had at the start of the project and recently I answered them and added more once I understood the topic.
Because the driving question is how can we test the law of reflection and the Pythagorean theorem at the same time, I thought that these were some important notes to make.⬇️
What Is The Pythagorean Theorem?
noun: Pythagoras’ theorem
a theorem attributed to Pythagoras that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
The equation of the Pythagorean Theorem is
a2 + b2 = c2
a= Side of right triangle
b= side of right triangle
c= hypotenuse
What Is The Law Of Reflection?
Definition of law of reflection
: a statement in optics: when light falls upon a plane surface it is so reflected that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence and that the incident ray, reflected ray, and normal ray all lie in the plane of incidence
Here is an image I drew of the law of reflection.
Creating Laser Display On An iPad!
For milestone four, we had to create a laser display that includes a right triangle, the Pythagorean Theorem, and the law of reflection.
Here is what I made
As you can see, I created a right triangle that shows the law of reflection and the Pythagorean Theorem. I recreated the image I drew but with a laser and the Pythagorean Theorem. This was really good practice for the final project!
Final Project Laser Display
When creating this display, our team didn’t want it to be just one boring triangle so our first draft of this triangle was this.
We liked the idea of this so we decided to start making it.
After a lot of time sketching and measuring this shape we made this.
Our shape consisted of two right triangles and one weird shape in the middle. We spent a lot of time carefully measuring all of the angles and sides of the triangle so that it would work.
On the day of presentation, we turned on the laser and added smoke so that you could see the shape better and it worked!
This is what it looked like.
It is a bit hard to see exactly what it looks like because of the angle we took this photo on but I am super proud of how this turned out!
Curricular Competencies
Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest.
Throughout the entirety of this project, I have been doing a very good job at gathering knowledge and applying that to the milestones. I have been trying to think of ways to take that knowledge and apply it to the final laser laws project in different ways. I feel that throughout this project I have done a really good job at thinking about the big idea and using everything that I have learnt to make my ideas come to life and grow.
Communicating and Representing: Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms.
I think that I had the most fun with this part of the project. Yes, I know it is math but I am very proud of how I applied it to the project. Throughout this project, I think that I did a really good job with applying the math that I had learnt in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms. I did a very accurate job at writing the equations that will help the foundation of our project. I then also applied that to our board, along with the measurements of the angles, and the legs and hypotenuse of the triangle.
Applying and innovating: Co-operatively design projects.
I think that I grew a lot in this area throughout the project. I sometimes can get carried away and do most of the work in projects because I want everything to be done right. In this project, I tried my best to make sure everyone had equal parts in creating the final product. At times, I could find myself getting carried away and starting to take over but for the most part I think that I improved a lot.
Thanks for reading this post!
See you next time!
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