The quick answer would be “a lot”, but I think you deserve a bit more info about the trip. It was the first PLP Field Study for my grade, and was just as good as it was supposed to be.

During our whole trip we were working on a journal of our adventures and experiences. It has photos, videos, explanations, and other interesting ways of documenting our journey.


Even though we were travelling and on the road every other day, we still were learning more than what we would from being in school. While in school you just try to get the assignment done and off of your mind, but while in Oregon we learnt things and they just stuck. Like how I know that there is a parasite that is sucking the blood of ghost shrimp, or how a 10” dispersing cannon works. I could write many different blog post about all the things I learnt but I’ll try and only include the important or fun things.

– Fort Stevens was the only place in America that was attacked during World War 2 that was on the mainland.

– Fort Stevens had a 360 degree disappearing cannon.

– To this day no one knows exactly how mima mounds are formed.

– R.O.V.s in the ocean have a tethered connection to a ship on the surface

– The final one is my favourite by far. I love zip lining.

I did learn a lot in Oregon, but I also had many unique experiences and I’ve got some photos of them I’m going to show.