We just had our Winter Exhibition and it was a big change from last year. The quick rundown of what we did was making Rube Goldberg Machines that represent a revolution. We were put in groups of around 7 people, and the revolution I had was the American Revolution.


Building Knowledge

Before we could dive into building the machine we first had to get an understanding of our revolution, and how to make metaphors that represented different events. There were many different presentations and small projects we made along the way. The one I found most useful and important was an infographic about the revolution. For the infographic I put in the different stages of the revolution, dates, and key figures.

The Machine

Our Machine had 11 connections that each represented a different part of the revolution. My favourite connection is the 4th one because it is a very fluid part of the machine and almost never fails. My favourite metaphor was our 3rd connection because not only did it represent it, but that connection was the most visual representation we had.


Building the machine was a challenge and required everyone to put work in. There were people that focused on the presentation side of the project, and others who focused on the machine. In the end we were all able to work together and get it done in time.


The Exhibition

The first problem we came across was moving it into the Library because of the size. I guess it was more just a difficulty because we did it in the end, so the first true problem was the size of our space. We were down a member had the biggest space to cover and turn “American”. We did get decorations down, but we definitely could have had more. A place we had to pivot a lot was with people taking breaks and having to figure out what we need to do with them not being there. My takeaway from that is just to be adaptable and know what all your group members are doing.