Tornados, sushi, typewriter, and telescope. What do all these things have in common? ATOMS! Our most recent project in Science was all about the Periodic Table, and different bonds between atoms. This was the most enjoyable project I have had in Science so far, and the most interesting. 

Driving Question

Our Driving Question for this project was “What impacts do elements and compounds have on history and modern day society?”. This was a very interesting question for Science because not only did we need to understand the element, but also look at history, and modern times to find out the impacts it has or had. The element I chose to research was Chlorine because I was used in good and bad ways. 

What Were The Big Takeaways of This Project?

The biggest takeaway of this project was learning about the periodic table, how it was made, and how to use it. This will most definitely come in handy later on in school, or outside of school. Strangely enough I also noticed an improvement in my writing skills. For a quick example, this was my opening for a paragraph about Chlorines history, “Pool Party! Who doesn’t like a good pool party, and other then the people, what makes a pool party fun? The pool!”. This might seem like a normal opening, but before this my starts of paragraphs were very plain if I say so myself, and was almost the opposite of a hook.