Think you can do better?

Why yes, I do. Oh! Sorry, didn’t see you there, I was talking to myself. Hmm? What about? Well, I was thinking that I could, honestly, do a better job running a country than many a world leader. I know, I know, that sounds tremendously arrogant, but hear me out and I believe you may perhaps be convinced.

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I have been intrigued and immersed in politics for quite some time now, so when we were assigned a project allowing us the opportunity to make our own political party, I merrily seized the chance to finally connect school to my interests, as I had with the WWI project. Of course, this was a group project, so I came to understand the political arguments that delay progress far better than ever before…


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School being what it is, we didn’t get to choose who made up our political party, instead we took a couple of political tests such as the political compass, which would determine who in our class shared our political beliefs, and thus ended up in our group. My group was quite solid, and some intelligent, hard-working individuals in it, going by the names of Ryder, Amy, and Jakub, but due to the fact that our group was the “Radical extreme left” type of group, and there weren’t that many people who were that far left politically, we were surprisingly varied. To be blunt, one person didn’t seem like THAT much of an extreme leftist at all, one was very focused on social issues and very libertarian, whereas the other two seemed to certainly lean towards the authoritarian side.

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Now, what was this project exactly? What did we do? I’m glad you asked, because I still have more to say! Our first course of action was to figure out what our party really was: our policies, promises, structure, even name. We eventually settled on the United Party Of Canada. Next we had to think about our press release. After all, political parties are meant to go public and try to attract voters. Below is an image of our press release, I do hope that you would agree with our collective beliefs.

Finally, and most importantly, we had to create our political party ad. What is that you may ask? It’s a video that essentially explains what our party is, who our party members are, and why you should vote for us. It’s something that all of the major political parties create, which here in Canada, are the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, Bloc Québécois, Green Party, and PPC. Below, you will find a link to our video, filmed at our home school, Seycove secondary. I would wish that you, dear reader, would be willing to view it.


Thank you for listening to my project rant, and that will be all. I will be writing again soon, yet what may be more notable is that as of late I’ve started paying more attention to the inventor of my farewell again…


Medium is the message reflective post

Well… maaaaaayyyyyyybe I was a month or two late. Okay well maybe a few months, and I have no excuse, but I’m writing it now at least. In fact, I almost forgot what it was about, but I do remember. The medium is the message project was about advertising, whether it Be perspectives from the past compared to now, such as in our advertising survey when I interviewed my mom to find out what ads were like in her childhood, or making an ad for a business, two businesses, actually. The first business we interviewed was deep cove Kayak, and the second one was a restaurant we visited while driving to Oregon, U.S.A for a field trip. It is called Clark’s restaurant.

Now, obviously, we’re going to write about the curricular competencies. Don’t feel bad for how I’m about to beat myself up. I deserve it. The first stage of Nate’s pity party is comprehending. I believe I actually did not so bad at this, as I did an okay job at understanding the book we had to read, the highest tide. I don’t remember that much, but I do remember our other curricular competency, taking historical perspectives. I did pretty bad on this, as I didn’t really show the difference between advertising in my lifetime, and in my mom’s lifetime, two very, very different things. I hope I can be forgiven for my lacklustre performance, but if I can’t, I understand.

I’ll still close it off the same way as always, but I’m not as enthusiastic about it.


My HOT avatar

Get ready to see the most smeksy avatar I was allowed to use, something modelled after none other than YoBoyNyate! Yes, I’m asking if you lift, and, write a comment, do you? I can’t currently because I threw out my back for the third time. Hey, don’t laugh, don’t click off, it’s true! I have thrown out my back 3 times by 8th grade, it happens. Normally, however I love to lift. Anyway, I created it in Bitmoji, and it actually does look quite a lot like me, not that you peasants neede to know that. Anyway, it’s been fun talking to you, bye! *brofist*