This blog is about me

Creative common photos

Have you ever taken a photo off of google sand used it for your own personal use, but little did you know that most of the photos on the internet are protected by copyright. If you take a photo off the internet that has copyright, and use it for your personal use, that’s illegal. Because if it has copyright and you take it and use it, its like stealing somebody’s photo. There is a way you can get around copyright by using creative common websites. These websites have tons of great photos that are free to use. Some websites that are like this are pixabay, Flick,  unrestricted stock and many more. I took this photo when my class went to Oregon on a field study. This is a picture of Yaquina head and cobble beach.


Each photo represents what I like to do in my spare time.



Try to guess the sentence I made with images.


cocoparisienne / Pixabay
congerdesign / Pixabay
OpenClipart-Vectors / Pixabay
michael-kouassi / Pixabay
OpenClipart-Vectors / Pixabay
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