Thank you for coming to my presentation on learning. I am the expert of my own learning. I am the expert of my own learning I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation if my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
To begin let’s look at my learning plan ( put in a link here)
I met all the goals for grades this semester. However, I feel like I didn’t follow through with my habits. Often when I sit down to work on homework at home I get distracted. It’s very hard for me to start tasks. At school, I can’t focus with the noise. I get into a mental block, where I just give up on focusing for that time and it prevents me from doing the best work I can do. Even if my work is getting extending marks I know I can make it even
To be fair to myself I am very proud of the grades I’ve earned, especially since I have everything else going on (extracurriculars), and I just started here at Seycove. I’m especially proud of the work I did on the power play project with Ms. Madsen. This is one of the times I felt like I worked my hardest. I pushed myself to try a different medium ( as outlined in my learning plan). Another reason I’m proud of this project was that I got lots of the work done quickly. Part of this was using our big computer in the family room since that doesn’t have as many distracting apps, and I had an easier time starting with this because I knew exactly what I wanted to say.
I am also proud of the work I did in the geeking out blogging challenge. This project surprised me. In the beginning, I thought “oh no, I’m interested in a bunch of things but I don’t know enough about any of them”. This mini-project made me feel much smarter. I eventually did my project on storytelling, and that inspired me to learn even more about it.
I’m also proud of who I am as a learner. Even if I struggle to start or get distracted easily, once I’m in the zone or if I know where I’m going with something I can produce high-quality work. One of the things I’ve noticed I’ve gotten better at with PLP is taking criticism or feedback on y work and realizing that everything I do doesn’t have to be perfect,
As I’ve mentioned some of the things I’d like to work on are focusing and extending even more. . Often when I sit down to work on homework at home I get distracted. For example, while writing this post it took over an hour for me to get the first few paragraphs done since I couldn’t make the first sentences sound right . It is very hard for me to start tasks\. At school, I can’t focus with the noise. I get into a mental block, where I just give up on focusing for that time and it prevents me from doing the best work I can do. Even if my work is getting extending marks I know I can make it even better.
I also want to look back on my learning plan more often and follow through with my statement of learning intent. In my statement, I planned to reflect on my work before I hand it in and ask if it is my best work to myself before I hand it in.
To get better at my focus at home, I want to set timers as I outlined in my learning plan. For example, I would set a timer for 5 minutes and challenge myself to finish a paragraph in that amount of time. This puts pressure on me in a good way. I also want to time block in my calendar and use things more. ( thanks ms Willimse!). I am also going to use things more often because I’m just now realizing how great of a tool it is and I want to take proper advantage of them. I also tried going to the library recently and it helped. It’s very quiet there and I can get fresh air first. It makes me feel like I’m going somewhere to do stuff so I get more stuff done.
For class, since the main issue is noise and that distracts me along with everything, I want to make sure I bring headphones, so I can listen to some kind of ambient music. The random table assignments also help because as much as I love hanging out with my friends, they are extremely distracting.
Into each subject.
This is my favourite class so I’m very glad that I will be still taking it in the second semester. All the projects we did got me thinking. The outsiders one made me think about what kind of resources we use to learn in school. The outsiders was very sexist, and though I understand the concept of worldview and why those characters thought that way…. THERE ARE SO MANY BOOKS OUT THERE. Many of which could give a better example of worldview and how it affects us. School is supposed to prepare us for the future, not the past. I did love the English part of this project though because that’s my favourite subject. I hope we get to do more of it in semester 2.
The power lay project made me push myself. (See bottom of page). I wanted to try a different medium because I outlined in my learning plan that that was one of my goals for this year. I enjoyed seeing the website come together.
The latest project we did was the renaissance project. This project made me think about how humans evolve and what makes us evolve. When people began to speak up for themselves and dream their lives got better. Instead of accepting a problem they tried to find a way to fix it.
I liked this class this semester. The thing that blocked me from enjoying it was the NOISE. 60 kids in a room are LOUD. Makes it impossible to focus. I LOVED the quiet room. If that had been available more often I think I would have enjoyed this class a lot more.
I did really like the geeking-out project because it made me feel really smart, to be honest. I never realized how much I know. I loved being able to blurt it all out.
I also really loved the user manual project. It was cool to write about myself in the third person.
Overall I feel like I have done well this semester and I’m proud f the work I have produced. I am looking forward to using more techniques to focus and get more stuff in semester 2.