I HAVE RETURNED. After a very fun summer I have returned to my blog to show you  all what I’ve worked on over the summer (aka Sumer learning). This summer we worked through the What do you really want? Book about goal setting and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.  The book wasn’t as boring as I thought it would be and I throughly enjoyed reading it. I especially liked the goal getters in action part which showed other kids and how they accomplished their goals I found it inspiring. I set a goal to read a book a week every week until November 30 but you can read more about that in my book. We all created goal trackers to track out progress over August and share out learning. I so without further ado here is mine 😁.



“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

Let’s start with humanities.
At the start of the year, humanities was my favourite class. I really enjoyed all the projects we were doing and even though I got a little loud sometimes, I could handle it. That changed the second semester. I found myself dreading the class because of the amount of Oise. It was very hard to escape even with headphones because we did not have many work blocks.
The people in this class made it very hard for me to produce the best work I could, especially with all the noise in the class. This was the most difficult with the random groups we are put in. I would often find myself having to get people to stop talking very often so we could finish activities.
I tried my best to combat this by wearing headphones when I could listen to music and finishing work fast so I could maybe read after.
Through all of this, however, I managed to have a very successful year in humanities project wise and here are some examples of that success and why I’m ready for Humanities 9. I went over many of my projects from the first semester in my mpol so I will be focusing on semester 2.

We did many projects but for the sake of this blog post, I will focus on 1. Which is the Consequence of colonization.

I enjoyed this project a lot more than I thought I would. Though it was repetitive from our other project blue eyed brutes this is an important topic so I was ok with that.
The end project for this was a video and I surprised myself because it turned out much better than I thought it would.
One of the things I was really proud of with is project was y time management. I had a busy week the day that the last assignment was due so I did it earlier and I would have thought to do it at the start of the year. This was the day we worked on it in class I was able to help everyone figure out what it actually had to look like, and I was happy to help everyone.

One of the other things I was proud of with this project was asking for help. This is something I’ve somewhat struggled with, having a perfectionist mindset. During the art chart part of this project, I freaked out a bit because I couldn’t find the spot on basecamp, but I asked friends for help and that was really successful.

Science really surprised me this year! In past years I have not liked it because of the amount of repetition of topics but we did branch out a bit more this year and it was really interesting. I especially liked the first project we did which was called small but mighty. I loved learning about all the different jobs that the cells have to keep us safe!
Ms. Kadi made it very interesting and engaging I loved her little comics!
I also really like the drawing we did for this project, I did all the Wednesday characters!
I did struggle a bit with this project through. For part of it I was in Rome and other places in Europe and it was hard for me to find the time or eagerly to do all the assignments when I was away because I was doing so much learning there already! I found myself overwhelmed when I came back to make a final poster but it turned out well and I’m very proud that I got it all together!

I also struggled with the scratch program for our atoms /game project. I had to restart my game twice because the programs weren’t working or the tutorial was moving too fast. I eventually found a really good video that slowly showed me how to do it. I ended up with a successful matching game.

Since this class was the same group of people, it was also very loud. I was luckily able to leave the room one time because my brain just started like really getting overwhelmed. I couldn’t just do the noise anymore. Especially sending you the back. Still very proud of all the stuff I have completed in science this year and I hope that our class is better next year.

Field study!
In May we took a trip to the Oregon coast. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed myself. This really showed the real-world learning part of PLP. I really liked getting to know everyone better and it really added to our learning. I thought it was really successful for me. I’m proud of the way I acted in my interview I think I was very professional and kept the conversation going.

The project that went along with his field study was more difficult for me with a perfectionist mindset. This is because we had to make so many drafts. It did go better than it would have a couple o months ago, and I did expect to have a couple of drafts but the amount I got shocked me. I would overthink everything I did, and then get massive amounts of negative thoughts about myself.

This is the part I’m most proud of this semester/year. At the beginning of the year, I was not very organized and really struggled with focus. I have adapted the way I work in class and at home to help myself. One of these things was going to the library. It really helped dot leave my house with intention. Part of this was my negative brain saying that I was stupid if I didn’t get anything done but I tried my best to be kind to myself and in this instance it was helpful. Though the focus is still a struggle for me especially with the noise around me, it’s really improved.
I also used things more which made sure I didn’t forget anything.

Overall, I’m very proud of my progress this year. My mindset has improved and I’ve kept my grades up with the transition from elementary to high school. I think I am ready for grade 9 because I grown so much this year, have gotten almost all rainbows and continue to have a learning mindset.




Spring Exhibition, Pathways 🌷/ The Medium is the Message

Aka, the day of loud noises.
Our final project for grade 8 is what we presented at the spring exhibition! I honestly can’t believe that my first day of grade 8 was so long ago. I learned so much year I’ll talk about that in my tpol post though.

I definitely like the spring exhibition more than the winter one. It flowed much more smoothly. For one we had a lot more time to prepare. My group was much more active in basecamp and that really helped. Im very proud of the lighthouse we made. We successfully covered our table and were ready on time!

During the part when it was open people weren’t as clumpy s the winter exhibition. I ended up speaking to fewer people then I thought and that was ok. The ones who I did talk to were very interested and I really appreciated that. They really liked looking at all the drafts. Here’s the portfolio.

(Photos because it was too big to upload)

Through all of these drafts I used design principals we learned about in class while the other Oregon trip was away. Through the rest of the learning we did for this project we learned a lot about what media is and how we interact with it. I took all of this into account while creating my ads.

Some things I would do differently next time include making different cookies. In theory, my idea was good, but in real life, the cookies just look disgusting because they were grey. I made them look like the cobble beach that we saw on our Oregan trip See that here. I would have Meade sugar cookies with a different recipe and use icing to colour them or go with a different snack idea completely.

I would also start my ad earlier even if we hadn’t worked on it in class. It would have been nice to have gotten feedback earlier so I would have had more time.

One more thing that isn’t good or bad really is that we were the ones that put out the mats. A thing to remember for next time is that IT IS EASIER WITH JUST A FEW ACTUALLY GOOD PEOPLE VS A BUNCH OF UNSYNCHRIZED PEOPLE.


Oregon, Our First Field Study!

Our first field study was a whirlwind, to say the least. It had its ups and down and it was cool. We had so many great experiences that we wouldn’t have had anyway.

When you interpret so much learning in such a small period, without much time to go back to these things that you are learning because you are onto the next thing it’s very easy to forget things but ill try my best to remember as much as possible.
There were some things I didn’t think about that I would learn about before. One of the most important things that I noticed (ok two), was that it is POSSIBLE FOR ME TO NAP. For some reason before this trip, I just couldn’t. On this trip, I slept on the bus a lot. The second was to fuel at breakfast. Sooooo important to get all the energy you need for the day. This way I didn’t get hungry for the rest of the day.
I also got closer with a bunch of my classmates, all of my sleeping groups were so good.

One of my favourite stops for other learning was Fort Stevens. This was included in my book but I wanted to add more information. We were so lucky to get to have met the reenactors. They were so passionate about what they were doing and it’s always nice to see that. I even got to try on a parachute helmet from ww2. The ones I spent the most time with were the British/Canadian ones. They were very happy to meet us. Our tour guide was also very into it. I never thought I would learn that much about guns that move up and down in one day.

Though maybe not directly part of the learning I also loved the quests. They were so much fun! The feeling when you figured out the clues was so nice. Our team worked pretty well together too.

Project learning (aka the interview)

This was a lot chiller than I thought it would be. The ranger we talked to actually had a background in advertising (a little intimidating). It surprised me that they didn’t know that we were making ads for them. We got lots of great info that I’m very happy with. Yaquina Head is a pretty place.

Extra Pictures

(None of them would upload)

Learn more in my Journal (completed during the trip)



Consequences of Colonization!

In this project, we learned about the consequences. Though this project was confusing at times I found it pretty easy.
The driving question was “What did European settlement mean for all involved?” We learned the answer to things question through all our keystones and the investigations that came with them.
Keystone 1’s question was “What changed about European power worldviews?”
To represent our understanding of this we made 2 art charts about a work of art by C. W. Jefferies. The fact that I wrote an entire paragraph on the way the explorer was standing made me laugh a bit. The first chart was the explicit details from the drawing (the 5 W’s) and the second one was the implicit details more about the figures, and how they were placed etc.
Here are my two charts and the picture

I think I did well on the implicit chaRt especially, and am also profundity of the fact that I figured it all out from home because I was sick when it was explained in class.
Next time I would like to start working on this earlier and manage my time a bit better.

Keystone 2’s question was “What were the consequences of the Europeans’ change in worldview at the time?” We represented our learning through a reinterpreted drawing of the last picture we analyzed and another implicit chart. Though the drawing was a bit tricky ( sizing all the tracing and adding the right background ) I think I did very well on this keystone and graphed a better meaning of what the implicit chart was meant to be. The drawing was supposed to show another point of view at the time to show how it impacted everything. To show this I flipped my drawing to show how much the Europeans were taking
Here’s my chart and art.

Keystone 3 was a script for our final video. I found this pretty easy because writing is one of my strengths when it comes to humanities (videography not so much 😂). Keystone 1 and 2 were pretty easy to write about but this keystone was due before we learned much about keystone3 so I had to look through Basecamp to figure it out. I won’t include my script because you can see it in the video.

I am very proud of my video because I finally planned for something and dint left it until the last minute. The learning from this was pretty much the same as Keystone 3 because I just added visual which is more of a maker thing. Since I planned beforehand when we were given class time I got extra time to work on science and helped my classmates figure out what to do.

( the file is too big 😭 I will add a link when we post them to our YouTube channels 😃)


Overall I feel I did very well on this project, I got the grades I wanted and was on top of everything for the most part. If I did this project again I would plan a bit more and start the keystones on my own before we finished the investigations because waiting made me have to cram it all in.

Mind over matter!

Mind over matter!
This project was cool, even if I had learned most of it before. (Any project involving gummies is fine with me). The keystones were pretty easy and I loved the ones ms kadi choose.
The first keystone was about a mystery object. We had to calculate the mass and its qualitative and quantitative qualities.
I found this keystone pretty easy, my favourite part of the learning we did before was the mass finder things (I can’t remember the name). Here is my keystone 1.
The item was a tennis ball, But for some reason, the reveal wouldn’t work.

Keystone 2 was a gummy bear experiment which I worked on with Maddie. We put different kinds of gummy bears into normal water (our control), sparkling water and vinegar. Take a look at our presentation to learn more!

Copy and paste into search bar to view!

Keystone 3 was probably the easiest even if I did end up changing my plan. This keystone was a plan for our final project which I made in scratch.
I originally wanted to make a shooter game for this where you had to hit the other atoms coming toward you and I worked on that for a while but I ended up changing my game to a matching game

Heres the first game i made. It doesnt work very well but I wanted to show my whole process.


The final project was the hardest part. I had a really hard time with the program and found it frustrating. I worked hard on my first game but it didn’t work out and that was hard.
Here’s m first game!
Here’s my final game!

Overall I had an okay time with this project, I did prefer the last one, but I’ve been having a good time with science this year.

Something I would do next time is to take more time on finding a good tutorial. I spent too much time on videos that were too fast for me and it was a bit of a time crunch to finish everything.
The end

Small but Mighty!

This project got me more into science than I’ve ever been! It has been much more interesting than elementary science. My favourite part was the swabbing activity but it was all awesome.

The first keystone was the swabbing one. We made a power point about it. Here’s the page with the swabs ( the PowerPoint wouldn’t upload)

I loved this! I couldn’t believe how dirty everything was. I worked hard on this and am quite proud of what I made!

The second one was a bit more difficult. I found it hard to memorize what all the different cells did in my immune system. Eventually, I go it though! Just goes to show that sticking with something helps in the end. I had a lot of fun drawing all the Wednesday characters! This keystone reminded me of our fun drawing mini project from maker last semester.

Here’s the Enid drawing it’s my favourite

I was away for the third keystone so I handed it in a bit late but it was also really fun to make. I couldn’t believe that some people believe that some people think that there are microchips in vaccines! The thing that I found funny with this one is that it took me longer to position the number than write the little description. Here is my infographic.


I change my mind! The last one was my favourite! The little kids’ art was so cute! This one was probably the hardest for me because I couldn’t think of a catchy phrase. My dad helped me think of this ghostbusters one though and I love it! I used keynote for this and I loved using the remove background tool, it was so helpful. I feel that this is simple enough for kids to understand but still shows what I learned.

Here’s the poster!


Overall I liked this project and it helped me discover that I actually to like science! I can’t wait for future projects!

The travel log of Amerigo Vespucci pt 2

The site wouldn’t let me add to the last post so here’s the second part. This project was all over the place and it’s not anyone’s fault. I enjoyed learning about the Vikings ( which was in an earlier part of this project). I was away for the final week in Rome as well. (Learned SO MUCH).
Overall I did enjoy this project and found the topic interesting but some things got in the way. The best parts were the character card (first keystone) because I got to write and that’s my favourite medium to use. I love characterization and so this was fun! The file wouldn’t upload so maybe I’ll show it later.
Keystone 2 was a 200-word story. This was HARD. Not because I couldn’t think of anything but because it was quite a restraint. It’s very hard to paint a picture and get all the facts in there at the same time when it’s so concentrated.
Some things that made this more difficult included some of these. I went to Rome in the final week of this project. It was SO COOL, and I am so privileged to have been able to experience it. I went out to see the Coliseum and I tried to get most of it done but I was very jet lagged and prioritized seeing the big things because I learned a lot there too and it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I did message Ms. Madsen but she wasn’t doing well ( I hope you’re better now!) so she didn’t see my message. Our wifi was also not great.
Overall I’m pretty proud of how I did on this project. I did the best I could and that’s all I can ask of myself.

My First Mpol ☺️

Thank you for coming to my presentation on learning. I am the expert of my own learning. I am the expert of my own learning I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation if my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

To begin let’s look at my learning plan ( put in a link here)
I met all the goals for grades this semester. However, I feel like I didn’t follow through with my habits. Often when I sit down to work on homework at home I get distracted. It’s very hard for me to start tasks. At school, I can’t focus with the noise. I get into a mental block, where I just give up on focusing for that time and it prevents me from doing the best work I can do. Even if my work is getting extending marks I know I can make it even

To be fair to myself I am very proud of the grades I’ve earned, especially since I have everything else going on (extracurriculars), and I just started here at Seycove. I’m especially proud of the work I did on the power play project with Ms. Madsen. This is one of the times I felt like I worked my hardest. I pushed myself to try a different medium ( as outlined in my learning plan). Another reason I’m proud of this project was that I got lots of the work done quickly. Part of this was using our big computer in the family room since that doesn’t have as many distracting apps, and I had an easier time starting with this because I knew exactly what I wanted to say.
I am also proud of the work I did in the geeking out blogging challenge. This project surprised me. In the beginning, I thought “oh no, I’m interested in a bunch of things but I don’t know enough about any of them”. This mini-project made me feel much smarter. I eventually did my project on storytelling, and that inspired me to learn even more about it.
I’m also proud of who I am as a learner. Even if I struggle to start or get distracted easily, once I’m in the zone or if I know where I’m going with something I can produce high-quality work. One of the things I’ve noticed I’ve gotten better at with PLP is taking criticism or feedback on y work and realizing that everything I do doesn’t have to be perfect,

As I’ve mentioned some of the things I’d like to work on are focusing and extending even more. . Often when I sit down to work on homework at home I get distracted. For example, while writing this post it took over an hour for me to get the first few paragraphs done since I couldn’t make the first sentences sound right . It is very hard for me to start tasks\. At school, I can’t focus with the noise. I get into a mental block, where I just give up on focusing for that time and it prevents me from doing the best work I can do. Even if my work is getting extending marks I know I can make it even better.
I also want to look back on my learning plan more often and follow through with my statement of learning intent. In my statement, I planned to reflect on my work before I hand it in and ask if it is my best work to myself before I hand it in.

To get better at my focus at home, I want to set timers as I outlined in my learning plan. For example, I would set a timer for 5 minutes and challenge myself to finish a paragraph in that amount of time. This puts pressure on me in a good way. I also want to time block in my calendar and use things more. ( thanks ms Willimse!). I am also going to use things more often because I’m just now realizing how great of a tool it is and I want to take proper advantage of them. I also tried going to the library recently and it helped. It’s very quiet there and I can get fresh air first. It makes me feel like I’m going somewhere to do stuff so I get more stuff done.
For class, since the main issue is noise and that distracts me along with everything, I want to make sure I bring headphones, so I can listen to some kind of ambient music. The random table assignments also help because as much as I love hanging out with my friends, they are extremely distracting.

Into each subject.


This is my favourite class so I’m very glad that I will be still taking it in the second semester. All the projects we did got me thinking. The outsiders one made me think about what kind of resources we use to learn in school. The outsiders was very sexist, and though I understand the concept of worldview and why those characters thought that way…. THERE ARE SO MANY BOOKS OUT THERE. Many of which could give a better example of worldview and how it affects us. School is supposed to prepare us for the future, not the past. I did love the English part of this project though because that’s my favourite subject. I hope we get to do more of it in semester 2.
The power lay project made me push myself. (See bottom of page). I wanted to try a different medium because I outlined in my learning plan that that was one of my goals for this year. I enjoyed seeing the website come together.
The latest project we did was the renaissance project. This project made me think about how humans evolve and what makes us evolve. When people began to speak up for themselves and dream their lives got better. Instead of accepting a problem they tried to find a way to fix it.


I liked this class this semester. The thing that blocked me from enjoying it was the NOISE. 60 kids in a room are LOUD. Makes it impossible to focus. I LOVED the quiet room. If that had been available more often I think I would have enjoyed this class a lot more.
I did really like the geeking-out project because it made me feel really smart, to be honest. I never realized how much I know. I loved being able to blurt it all out.
I also really loved the user manual project. It was cool to write about myself in the third person.

Overall I feel like I have done well this semester and I’m proud f the work I have produced. I am looking forward to using more techniques to focus and get more stuff in semester 2.