16: Geography and YOU! 🌎


“Hiking in Alberta was great, I had an awesome time. As long as I had a bag of fruit gummies in my pocket, I was good to go!” -Abe Lincoln, hopefully.

Yo, yo, and welcome to the show. My names Nikan if you don’t already know. As mentioned on my last post, the PLP 9s took a business trip to the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Alberta. 

There were 2 parts of the work we did in Alberta, the maker work (read about it here: https://www.blog44.ca/nikand/2023/10/12/15-tiktoks-for-school-⛰%EF%B8%8F) and the humanities work. This post will focus on the humanities work. 

The driving question of the project was “How does the geography of the west shape who we are?”, and all of our work centred around it. 

Did you know that there are 5 themes of geography? It’s true, here they are: 

That poster, the photos in it, and an explanation of all 5 themes will be featured in my multi-touch book, which will be in this post later. The what? Multi-what-what? Well, we had to make a book. That’s right, add “Author” to my long list of occupations. In our book we included photos that tied into our driving question from earlier. I’d be lying if I said I enjoyed making the book. I found it tedious, difficult to create connections, and somewhat boring. However, the things I learnt whilst making the book made up for those. I learnt about photography, the western world, geography, and all about those immaculate places we went to. You’re dying to see my book? You can’t wait another second to read about the last spike? Well, since I’m soooooo nice, here you go, go wild:

And finally, my thesis. 

We were all to make a thesis, then to support it. Mine was “The accessibility of geographic elements that create outdoor activities has increased tourism- and thus, the economics-  in Western Canada.” The main way to support our thesis was through our interviews, which you can see here: https://youtu.be/IhPFPgIujQk?feature=shared. You can also read about my thesis more in my maker post, which was linked above.

Ah, another blog post down the hatch. Thanks for reading my Alberta-manifesto, and Nikan- out!

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