Hello readers and welcome back to my blog!

As you definitely read, PLP has entered a worldwide blogging challenge. Each week there is a different challenge that we have to participate in. Turns out, we started late and we had to catch up over the span of one weekend.

Anyways, we are now on week 3 of our challenge. This week was all about getting images off the web without making copyright problems. There were several different choices we could have used to finish the challenge.

I picked the option of taking a photo off Pixelbay and creating a poem about it. Pixelbay is a non-copyright website where you can get images for free.

Let’s get into the challenge!



Looking towards the sun,

Looking for hope,



Colourful, comforting,

Standing strong and silent,

Growing with determination,


Loyal, always there,

Consistently maturing, growing


For this poem I really tried to symbolize sunflowers specially. They always grow back, they stand strong. I think we should all be more like sunflowers.

Anyways, that wraps up week 3’s challenge. Finally caught up!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Stay tuned for week 4,
