“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.” 

Today I’m going to be talking about my improvement this year as a learner, and how I believe I can improve myself and the quality of my work throughout this year.

These are the core competencies that I will be covering

Thinking: Ology of Apology

In the Ology of Apology project, we made a monument to remember the struggles of the Japanese that had to go through internment in Canada. In our sculpture, there we people at the top and bottom, and it was made so that it could be interpreted in many ways, the people climbing to the top could be the Japanese immigrants trying to get a good life, or they could be the government trying to keep the Japanese in the small little area at the top of the mountain, and the Japanese are barely fending them off.

I believe that I showed Creative Thinking here, but I wasn’t just reinterpreting other’s ideas, I was reinterpreting my own in different ways, and I think I have achieved my goal of profile 4 in this competency.

Communication: Romeo and Juliet

The Romeo and Juliet project was the most fun project for me this term, as I love making videos. In my group’s video we made, we took the Romeo’s Banishment scene from Romeo and Juliet, and we reinterpreted it to make it modern, which could be another piece of evidence to support what I said above, but this project was a group project, and we split the work between every group member quite evenly I would say. We had two people as the main protagonist and antagonist, we had a side character, but he said a lot of lines, and I was the character with the least lines, but I ended up editing the entire video. There was one group member who ended up having less work than everyone else, as he missed both our filming days, and we couldn’t afford to re-film them in so little time, so asked him if he could make a soundtrack for our video, and he did end up doing quite a bit of work, despite arriving so late into the project. When we were reading the Romeo and Juliet script, I also showed my willingness to participate in group activities by volunteering to speak as a character multiple times.

I was capable of showing my skills in Collaboration, as I did contribute heavily to this project, and I shared roles and responsibilities to reach our common goal of a completed video. I feel I achieved my goal of profile 4 on Collaboration, but I need to practice the Communicating competency more often.

Personal and Social: Loon Lake

When we were in Loon Lake, I feel the leadership course we did greatly helped improve this competency to the area I set my goals to. During this trip, I feel that I became more open with my thoughts and feelings, and I started to interact with people I rarely talked to a lot more often, during the trip, and afterwards. I’m not sure if I can share all of the evidence I have for this, as “What happens in Loon Lake stays in Loon Lake still stands,” but I feel I have achieved my goals in the Personal and Social category.


The first two goals I made for this year I feel I can still continue reaching towards, but I the last goal was achieved, as in the Ology of apology project where I used many techniques I had never used before. 

I can still improve in Communicating and Critical Reflective Thinking, as I don’t believe I have achieved my current goals for those competencies, but I think I achieved my goals in the other competencies, which means I have to set new ones.

In Communication, I want to focus more on Communicating with my audience via use of different mediums and forms, while still being capable of Communicating my ideas effectively

In Thinking, I am going to learn to better gather evidence to support my claims, and to learn to combine evidence in effective ways

In Personal and Social, I actually find I want to focus on this a little less, as I feel I may be spending to much time socializing, and not enough time working. I do feel that I need to be more social with my audience through my writing, and not writing as I’m robot, but more like I’m talking to one of my friends.

In conclusion, I have achieved some of my goals for this term, but there is still many improvements I can make and continue making.

Thank you for coming to my Mid Term Presentation Of Learning, and I’ll see you again on Friday.

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