Hello I am Oliver Froysaa and this is my TPOL I will be taking about one thing I have achieved, small things I am good at aka my success behaviours, I will also go into depth on two more of my success behaviours. and then I will talk about how I can grow for grade nine. And answering the question, How can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviours have prepared you to advance to the next grade? (the success behaviours will be bolder)
My Achievement!
Something I have improved at was having more resilience. I showed this best in destination imagination because the fist half of the time until provincials was not spent well and at rehearsals nothing was going to plan. But in the second half we worked really hard and had a really good final product. Here was a photo of me in costume (sorry for the bad quality it was far away)
Here we really learned about working together and trying really hard too build a cool presentation. We powered through and were very happy with how things turned out. The difference between our teem work at the start compared to the end was huge! This all builds up to my main achievement this year which were the trophies we got for Destination Imagination. Here are the awesome trophies and ribbons we got.
This was an amazing reward for all the work leading up to this and I am very grateful for it and my team.
Here is filled out all my success behaviours and will talk about why I think I am fit for the rankings I gave myself.
I would say one of the times I help contribute to my group was when making our Oregon adds for the exhibition. In our groups we worked very hard and had lots of information on our poster board. So our add we had to make posters, merch, and a game with a prize. I contributed many ideas one of which was for the game and here was a draft of the game.
It looks very complicated but the goal was you pull a weighted string to reveal a plant and if we see the whole plant you get the prize. We didn’t end up going with this idea but it was just something that came to mind and I contributed to my group. But other things I contributed was my merch and poster here were those.
Seeking Help.
I will always seek or ask for help if I need it for example with this TPOL I asked peers and friends to see their as reference for mine. Or with my blog post on the Oregon field study I asked for help when I didn’t know how to put the field journal in the blog post and my friends helped me and even sent me video tutorials. The thing is PLP is filled with nice and helpful classmates and teachers so their is always someone who can help you with what you need.
For grade nine I think the main 3 things I should focus on are time management outside of school, not game or be off task in class, and focus more in class. I can achieve better time management by using things more on my iPad, setting reminders to do my work, tell my parents everything that’s happening at school so they remind me about my work, and not pilling all my work to the night before. I can improve on not misusing tech in class by making sure my screen is facing the teachers, hide my games on my iPad so I don’t see them while doing work, and maybe sit with people who wont influence me to playing games. Lastly I can improve on focusing by not having headphones in when I’m doing work, try to be more interested in the work and task, always be looking at the teacher while she’s talking, and Turing off my iPad when I’m not doing work.
Overall I think the answer to the driving question is that these success behaviours with teach you how to be responsible and prepare you to grow up and always be really to learn which gets more and more important the higher up in grades you go. I think if you don’t have enough check marks on the success behaviours you wouldn’t be ready to move up a grade. Thank you so much for listening and reading my TPOL have a good summer!