Medium is actually the message

These are my group’s blogs: Daniel, Gwenyth, Magnus, Sydney, and Evangeline.


This is my bloog

In the launch phase we met our groups and were assigned our businesses. This was one of my only projects where I didn’t get to choose who i work with but it was good for me because i met new people in a school environment. We watched welcome home which is an ad with many special effects and CGI. This ad is tuned towards 30-40 year olds my group thought. This is also the project we learned to use Basecamp on which i really like as a school app.

In building knowledge we created our first draft of our ads on Canva. I actually used Canva before this school year started because i love to edit photos. Canva is my favourite photo editor because it is simple and easy to use, while being very effective and powerful. Creating our drafts we were really going into it blind we had no idea what we were doing but then we did critique and revision.

The first revision for me usually gets a lot of stuff fixed up and then after that its just fine tuning for the perfect result.     I only made 2 ads for this project because I submitted the second (and last) one so late into the project. Then we move to Present and reflect

This is the phase where some important people will see your work. In this project it was the businesses we were assigned. The idea is that we would get critique on them and do it again, meaning this project didn’t have a clear line between present and critique since we were moving between them once or twice.

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