
Driving question for DI: How might we learn and experience the creative process while developing our creativity, curiosity, and courage?

Hi, its been a while i suppose. I have a beautiful post for you todayyyyy (:

Ma teammates blogs: Charlie, Dylan, Hannah, Keaton, Ruby, and Evangeline  (probably better than my blog)

So DI is pretty cool. For most schools it’s a club, but in PLP its mandatory and it takes up our maker block, which is usually an electivey thing like drawing or photography.

So in DI, there are 4 types of challenges: Festival Frenzy, (i dont rly know what this one is about) Science thing, (something about microscopes and bugs?) Improv, (something about improv) and Daring Escape, (that’s mee, it’s about mechanics and electronics, very cool (:

So first, we got together with my group and we went through way to many ideas before we settled on our idea, the Seven Slices (: Our story follows 5 robbers (me, Keaton, Ruby, Evangeline, and Hannah) which attempt to steal an ancient pizza recipe from an abandoned pizza resteraunt. They run into a ghost (Dylan), the guardian of the building, and its secret mummy (Charlie). The 2 devices help the robbers by overcoming hazards. The first one is an RC car which we painted like a pepperoni pizza. The second one is a windup car which failed because we didnt have enough time to make it function. The devices overcome hazards which are here: the first one is shredded pizza boxes which the car drives over. The second one is a tunnel which is meant to be a vent in the wall (we dont have walls its imaginary) the cars and devices travel through the tunnel to enter the building without the ghost noticing as he doesnt want them to bring their devices inside. The third device is a poison box, a last ditch effort from the ghost to prevent them from getting to the recipe, however the devices are able to push it away and then the robbers get the recipe. After that they leave immediately much to the ghosts disappointment.

The presentation was hosted at St. George’s school with  a whole bunch of other schools. It was actually not that bad, the teachers REALLY overhyped it and it was a lot less stressful than the teachers said it would be.

We also had an instant challenge. They test your teamwork/collaboration skills. Your team plans a creative performance in 4 minutes and presents it in 8. I cant actually say any details about it because thats confidential until the tournament.

heres my performance

Cya next time 😀


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