Sadly no chairs once more- Winter Exhibition

He awoke with a sense of dread. Today was exhibition day.

See attached sense of dread^

As he walked to school, store bought cookies in hand, the pit in his stomach grew larger. He stepped into the school and saw paper scraps and heard loud voices.

Now that you’ve fallen for my epic plot hook, hi. This blog is about the Winter Exhibition. This time I’m in grade 9 so I was running a room with Callum R. (look at his blog after) The grade 8s and 9s watched the movie Avatar and that was the theme of our exhibition.

Each room was about one of the underlying themes in the movie: Corporate Greed, Colonialism, Racism, and other horrible things. I was in one of the halves of corporate greed: exploited workers. Our room was decorated like the inside of a mine and we used like lanterns and a dark colour scheme. I don’t know if it came together that well but it was a good foundation. The grade 8s in our room were: Alex S, Sunny T, Finn H, Adam G, Charlie B, and Nihkan D. We also had a few grade 10s and a grade 12 I think, but I don’t remember their names.

Heres the thing I presented in the exhibition:

The task was to create a video that explained a part of your topic study. I chose fast fashion and companies like ZARA and others who manufacture clothes to keep up with trends and arent designed to last a long time. They employ people in 3rd world countries to work in sweatshops. I interviewed Ms. Nicholson who teaches social studies at seycove.

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