Mpol DDD:

Heres my mpol:


Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner

Of the work you completed so far this year, what are you least proud of? Why?

I am least proud of Comic Life for the 5 themes. I didn’t make a good effort to take fitting pictures and I didn’t revise my comic as feedback was given.

What project did you struggle with? Why?

I struggled with the project Geography of the west. I wasn’t motivated by the concept since I don’t think I will ever need to use the information we learnt in it. For this project we focused on geography and I think I struggle with this subject because there are a lot facts to memorize. Also, this project required a lot of writing assignments which I struggle with.

What is the most interesting thing you have learned so far year? What did you find most boring? What was the difference between the two experiences?

I found Science asexual reproduction the most interesting since it was very engaging and also science is my favourite subject.

I least enjoyed Geography of the west and I didn’t apply myself to the project very well.

I think the difference to me is the critical thinking in science which I’m really good at and Humanities is more about history and writing which I’m not as comfortable with.

Did all the work you completed this year meet your standards?

Yes, I met all MY desired grades and I am proud of most of the work I did. My desire for humanities was a c+ but alas, a b is required.

What did/do you find frustrating about PLP work?

Preparing for exhibitions in a very short and disorganized time in which we waste potentially enjoyable class time for preparartion work.

What does your work reveal about you as a learner?

I am not very good at humanities since I lose interest in history projects but I love science since its more applicable to my life.

What are you going to strive to achieve in the remainder of the school year

By the end of the year I want to have better work ethic and procrastinate less. I can achieve this by setting goals to accomplish certain things every day and allocate my time more effectively for homework.


I don’t enjoy Humanities (history specifically) but I understand it’s importance for shaping our understanding of the world. Still, I think I learned some useful information and I somewhat enjoyed some assignments in Geography of the West and Storm the Barricades. As I am writing this, we are currently doing another Humanities project called Full Steam Ahead. I think I am learning useful information about the Industrial Revolution in this project as well. Overall I think Humanities is a subject I struggle with.

I think my storm the barricades blog post is a good representation of what I struggled with in Humanities:


Science is my favourite subject and I think because I enjoy it so much I do better than other subjects. At the beginning of this year I chose to go for an “exceeding” in science and I think I have met my goal. For me, science is challenging in a fun way because we get to do hands on experiences, and create cool final products. In science I use class time wisely most of the time, I do a good job on my assignments, and I hand them in on time.

I think my life as we know it blog post demonstrates my focus and drive in Science:


I like Maker because we get to be creative. For example in the stop motion and our skill sprints we used creativity to develop our assignments. I think I did acceptable in Maker this term. I did all the required work, but I could have focused more in class. I also used some group projects as an excuse to do less work in a project. To improve next time in Maker i will try to contribute more to group work and manage my workload without procrastinating. Regarding focusing in class, I will close my iPad when teachers are talking

I think my rollercoaster blog does a good job of capturing my creativity and sometimes my lack of focus in group work in Maker:



I know that I can generate good ideas quickly, as we do usually with the whiteboard activities. I demonstrated an extending thinking competency this semester. Usually when I focus I sort of enter a zone where I can generate tons of ideas and write assignments fast.

My ecosystems blog post accurately shows my thinking skill:


This semester (mostly in Maker and science) I did a lot of group work. I know that I am sometimes not the best teammate when I don’t focus or not contribute as mush as I could have. Overall, I think I got a developing with my teamwork and collaboration skills and I could improve by making sure I can contribute evenly to group work.

I think my Vibrant Video blog post includes my social struggles but I’m still proud of my video:


Building on my social competency, in group work I sometimes don’t communicate with my group enough. Also during writing assignments I write in a way that makes sense to me, and it could be hard to understand my points because of that.

I think my Geography of the West blog represents my writing struggles and my mediocre communication well:

In conclusion, I can apply knowledge and think very fast and well but I have trouble communicating with peers or teachers. I think I excel in science since it’s about critical thinking and less about writing my ideas.

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