Six interesting facts about Overwatch (pt2:)

  1. PC is better: overwatch recently introduced crossplay so that people like me with freinds on console (EW) can play together. PC is better bough because it has better servers with less lag.
  2. NOO MOREEE FORTNITE: Fortnite is a bad game with bad servers. Fortnite is a battle Royale where you drop from the sky and then shoot other people to win. Overwatch isnt very realistic because most characters are something stupid like a hamster driving a metal ball and a defence robot with 4 legs.

3.   Compositions: it is much easier to win games with a team that complement eachother.    Most teams are based on the tanks which hold the most responsibilities, require the most practice to play well, and usually get blamed when your team loses a fight. I will list a few comps here: DIVE: assasinate enemy healers and then go for the tanks which will die very fast because they dont have heals. BRAWL: brawl focuses on using speed boosts to get to the enemy very fast and then bring chaos with large area of effect damage and healing.

4.    Combos: some characters work really well with eachother like: Reinhardt and Ana. Reinhardt is a high health large unit who absorbs damage and provides cover for his team. Ana is a healer that excels at healing single targets for a lot of hp. Ana can provide Reinhardt with healing, making him much more tanky.

5.     How to win: overwatch has 4 different map styles. CONTROL: 2 teams fight to control a centre objective that gain the team points. First to 100 points wins. PAYLOAD: the payload cart starts at the attacker spawn and the attackers goal is to push the payload through the whole map within the time limit. Defenders try to stop the payload. 2 CAPTURE POINT: the attackers try to capture 2 different objectives while the defenders try to stop them. HYBRID: the attackers must capture a point and then push a payload that spawns.

6.     Gamemodes: Overwatch  has many fun game modes that add to the experience. The arcade has these game modes that switch out every 24 hours. Some modes are like low gravity, where all gravity is reduced by 60%. My favourite special Gamemode is total mayhem where all ability cooldowns are reduced by 75%, all health is doubled, and ultimate charge is also increased.



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