So far in Carr we’ve been learning about art and our Apple Pencil. We’ve been learning how to use pressure, sketch note, perspective, and using colour. I drew my name in big bubble letters, a sketch note of my day, drawing of a shaded mug, using perspective in a landscape photo, and a brand name for a brand that we made up. So, how does this help us? Well, this helped us answer the driving question for this project. Why is it important to use technology to further improve our ability to communicate and to think creatively? I think it’s very important because in the world we live in now it is full of technology, and we learned more about how to be more creative by drawing and writing. And we learned how to communicate when we zoom called a professional designer and when we were trying to communicate a message when we were making our logo for the company we created. So, technology is a really important part in our lives and I don’t think we could survive without it.
I also learned how to communicate through drawing and sketch-noting. You can communicate by using arrows, lines, dividers, writing, drawings and speech bubbles in your sketch-notes. You can also communicate your through art by drawing a picture when explaining something or to help you remember something.