D.I.:Bacterial Besties

“Destination Imagination is a hands-on, project-based educational experience that encourages creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking skills. Destination Imagination applies the creative process to help student teams create their own unique solutions to the requirements posed by the Challenges”-Destination Imagination

My group’s team challenge in Destination Imagination is Up Close scientific. And in Up-Close scientific we have to make a story about the Microworld and characters encountering a mysterious object, you also have to have one microscopy imaging technique, and we chose darkfield. So far in Destination Imagination my group and I have written most of our story for our presentation, planned out what we need to buy, planned out our team choice elements, planned out meeting and already had 2 meetings. We’ve also already planned out our visual effect and started building it. Our team choice elements are music and

Our team is called the Bacterial Besties because our our story is about bacteria and the bacteria we chose to do it on is salmonaella.

You may be asking what is a team choice element?

Well, a team choice element is something that shows off your teams strengths. For example, one of my team’s team choice elements are music, because we all like music and are creating a soundtrack for our story.

Also, what is the mysterious object?

The mysterious object is an object that a character or characters encounter in the Microworld.

What is the visual effect?

The visual effect something using a technical method to enhance the mysterious object. You may have more than one visual effect.

Here is something that my team worked on during on of our team meetings, it is for the background of our story.

Here is another photo of me and Susan building the support for our microscope in the other photo above.

My group also did built a wood support for black tablecloths that we would paint and flip over on certain scenes during the presentation of our story.

“Destination Imagination Instant Challenges are designed to help children understand that by working collaboratively and following their innate curiosity, they can approach any problem with confidence and tenacity. Instant Challenges can be performance-based, task-based or a combination of the two”-Destination Imagination

Another aspect of Destination Imagination is the instant challenge. The instant challenge is where you’ll be just your group and the appraisers, the appraisers will give you a challenge with a few minutes to plan and build and a few minutes to present what you’ve created with limited, random resources. Some things that will get you points in an instant challenge is teamwork, presentation, creativity, and the design of your creation.

You can also check out my team members blog posts here: Kadin, Susan, Caden, Callum, Jackson, and Naomi.

mPOL 2022

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

I will also be talking about the work I’ve done so far this year about my PLP classes, what I learned, and which one is my favourite.

My first class:

First class, Scimatics, probably my favourite class. So far in Scimatics this year we’ve done 3 projects: Fractions of Your Time, Tectonic Chances, and Laser Laws. In these projects we worked on fractions, tectonic plates, Pythagorean theorem, and the law of reflection. My favourite project in Scimatics was probably the Tectonic Chances project. In this project we learned about fractions and tectonic plates in order to make a board game, my board game was called ‘The 3 Natural Disasters’. In this project I think I did really well at understanding and demonstrating the scientific method used in this project which was tectonic plates. Something that I think I could’ve worked on was being on task and not get distracted talking about biking with Keaton. But, I also learned that I need to focus on getting my work done in class and trying not to be distracted so I don’t have it for homework.

And if you were interested about my Tectonic Chances board game here is the blog post for it. And if you were interested on my other Scimatics work you can feel free to check out the rest of my blog.

My second class:

Second class, Humanities, another class I really liked. So far in humanities we’ve done 2 projects and are finishing up a third: Medium is the Message, the Outsiders, and Working with Words. My favourite is tied between the Outsiders and Working with Words. In the Outsiders we worked on worldview and acting and in Working with Words we worked on poetry. In the Outsiders project I thought I did really well at coming to class with every chapter that needed to be read, read and discussion questions ready. Something that I could’ve worked on is trying to include every group member a little bit better in our tableau. I learned from that by trying harder to include everyone when I work in groups. And in Working with Words something that I thought I did really well was managing my time, by that I mean handing all my work in on time, coming to class ready with all my poems written and handing in my eBook and about me video on time. One thing I think I could’ve done better in this project is doing more diverse aspects of my worldview. I learned from that by trying to think about other parts of my personality instead of just mountain biking and snowboarding.

And if you were interested or wanted to check out my eBook the blog post is here as well as my Outsiders blog post which is here. They can also both be found on my blog.

My third class:

My third class, Maker. So far in Maker we’ve done 3 projects: Becoming a PLP Learner, Constructive Creative Communication, and Geek Out blog posts. My favourite project in Maker is Geek Out blog posts in this project we did 4 blog posts about any subject we chose such as a hobby or interest, I chose mountain biking. The first post had to be an introduction post to your topic, post 2 had to be choice post and I chose my post to be F.A.Q., post 3 was fun with photos where you either took a free photo of the internet and edited it in some way or take your own photo and edit it in some way, post 4 had to be another choice post and I chose mine to be on the best and worst. Something that I thought I did really well on in this project was writing a good blog with correct grammar, photos, links, an interesting topic, a break in between my sentences, and an interesting title. Something that I think I could’ve worked better on in this project was to make my introduction blog post longer, but after I read some other examples I quickly revised that.

And if you were curios or wanted to read more about my Geek out blog posts they are all on my blog right here: Introduction Post, F.A.Q., Fun with Photos, The Best and Worst.

But, to answer the driving questions for this mPOL, how have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?

I think I’ve demonstrated growth as a learner this year in many ways: at the beginning of the year I was more uncertain with my iPad and when working in a group, but now I’m way more confident and knowledgeable about my iPad and how to work in a group better. Another way I’ve grown as a learner is by handing all my work in on time, at the beginning of the year I was still getting used to handing things in online and not having a physical copy, and now I am used to handing in all my work online and am using things multiple times a day to keep track of all my work, due dates, and meeting times. And a final way that I’ve demonstrated growth as a learner is by getting to know more people in my classes and working better with them as opposed to the beginning of the year where I didn’t know many people and didn’t work as well with them because I didn’t know them as well.

And to answer the next driving question for this mPOL is, how can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?

I can do this my keeping on track with all my work by handing it all in on time, putting my best and hardest work into all of my work, showing up to class prepared and on time for every class, and completing all my work whether that’s in class, at home or tutorial. I can also contact any of my teachers to see if they have any ideas of ways that I could sharpen my learning plan if I’m having trouble doing it myself.

Poetry: do I enjoy it?

How might I construct text that shows who I am right now?

Poetry, that’s how.

To show myself through poetry I first had to learn about poetry. And how do I do that? Well, I identified text, understood the text, learned about the text, and applied that learning to my own work. Some things I learned about are different types of poems, rhyming schemes, stanzas, rules of the certain poem, and how to write that poem.

Something that I thought I did really well on in this project is managing my time, coming to class with all my poems written, handing all my working in on time, and coming to class prepared with all the knowledge that needed to be known, known. I also thought I made really beautiful, original complementary texts which are the drawings in the background of my poems. I think I could’ve worked on diversifying my poems other than mainly mountain biking and snowboarding.

And here is my poetry eBook if you want to read it!

Some Poems

Some PoemsClick to read this book, made with Book Creatorhttps://read.bookcreator.com

Scimatics: Laser Laws

How can we test the pythagorean theorem and the law of reflection?

Well to answer that we need to learn a little bit about both of those topics. We had to learn about different types of mirrors, different types of rays, different types of light, wave lengths, and density of different materials to help us learn the more about the law of reflection. We also learned about squared numbered, reflected angles, and triangles to help us with the Pythagorean theorem.

Questioning and predicting: in questioning and predicting I think I was accomplished. I think this because I handed in all of my workbooks in on time will all assigned questions answered. I also answered most questions correctly.

Communicating and representing:

In communicating and representing I think I was accomplished because I accurately demonstrated the Pythagorean theorem using a protractor and ruler. I also accurately recorded the Pythagorean on my milestone 4 and 5 and when I got revisions for these I did them right away.

Applying and innovating:

In applying and innovating I think I was extending because I was a big part in building the project, everything from lasers to mirrors to measuring them online and in real life. I also helped out with building the walls around our laser display.

As proof to my learning here is my milestone 4:


How can we test the Pythagorean theorem and law of reflection?


That the law of reflection proves to be true for all angles of reflected light on a flat mirror.


Step 1: get 3 mirrors

Step 2: get a laser

Step 3: point the laser in a straight line

Step 4: use a protractor to position mirror #1 to reflect off the laser at a 90 degree angle

Step 5: using a protractor position mirror #2 at an angle so it reflects near the top of the starting point of the laser

Step 6: place rulers along all of the sides of the triangle

Step 7: measure and record the length of both legs and the hypotenuse


As you can see here, this is a right angle triangle with 2 mirrors used, 3 protractors used, and 3 rulers used to show how long each leg is and the hypotenuse

In the photo above the blue line represents the normal ray, the white represents the incident ray, and the red represents the reflected ray.

And here you can see I drew all the measurements for the triangle.

Equation: length x height which is 30cm x 40cm which equals 1200cm divided by 2 which is 600m which means 600cm is the area of my triangle.

Pythagorean theorem: 30×40=50 which means that it is a right triangle because 50cm squared does equal 2500.

In conclusion my hypothesis is correct and that the law of reflection proves to be true for all angles of light reflected on a flat mirror. I know this because in my experiment I used flat mirrors and a variety of angles and and the law of reflection proved to be true. And through my experiment I also tested the Pythagorean theorem and it proved to be true. I know this because:







Which means that the hypotenuse is 110cm.

And the measurements that prove the law of reflection are 60°, 90°, and 28°. The normal ray for 60° is 0°, the incident ray is 30°, the reflected ray is also 30°. For 90° the normal ray is 0°, the incident ray is 45°, the reflected ray is also 45°. For the 28 the normal ray is 0°, the incident ray is 14°, the reflected ray is also 14°.

Mountain Biking: the Best and Worst

The best and worst of Mountain biking

Some of the best moments of mountain biking are:

Brandon Semenuk’s winning run in Red Bull Rampage 2019. This is one of the best of mountain biking because of some of the tricks he did. Those tricks included a top-side Nac Nac followed by a front flip on a double drop which were some of the highlights of his run.

Now, here are some of the best places to mountain bike:

British Columbia, Utah, and Arizona are some of the best places to mountain bike.

Some of the best places to mountain bike in B.C. are Whistler, Squamish, Revelstoke, Sunshine Coast, Pemberton. There’s a wide variety of mountain biking on all these mountains, everything from technical to flow to jump trails. And these trails get very wet in the spring and nice and hot in the summer.

In Utah some of the best mountains to bike on are Moab, Salt Lake City, Park City, and Bryce Canyon National Park. Biking in Utah is also very diverse just like B.C. but it is very dry.

In Arizona some great mountains to go for a ride are Sedona, flagstaff, Tucson, and phoenix are some of the best mountains to go biking on. In Arizona the conditions are very dry, just like Utah and also has a wide variety of biking styles.

Now for some of the worst of mountain biking:

Pro mountain biker and free-rider Jordie Lunn died. He died at the age of 36 while riding in Mexico. In the accident Lunn suffered a head injury that proved to be fatal.

Another thing that is part of the worst category of mountain biking are crashing, having bike troubles on the trail, squeaking, and the price of a new bike part/bike. Crashing is annoying because nobody likes to crash and it can hurt. Having bike trouble on the trail is also an annoying inconvenience that you might not be able to fix if you don’t have the right tools of equipment with you. Squeaking, whether it’s you or a friend it’s so annoying and you feel like everybody is judging you while you ride if they hear you squeaking. And if it’s someone else who’s squeaking it’s just annoying, but at least you have someone to blame. And buying a new bike/ bike part can brake your bank which isn’t ever fun.

Here are some sights where I got some of my information: Red Bull, The Manual, Two Wheeled Wanderer, Red Bull B.C., Utah Mountains, Arizona mountains, Jordie Lunn

Fun With Photos: Mountain Biking

Here is the original photo I chose for this fun with photos post. It is a photo of my biking from June.

Here are some steps I took to turn it into this:

• First, I put it into pixel store photo and increased the resolution

• Next, I exported it into procreate

• Once it was in procreate I coloured the background all blue

• Then, I drew clouds in so it would look like a sky

I did this because when I’m mountain biking it feels like I’m flying when I’m going off a jump or biking through the wind, it’s like I’m soaring through the trail the wind rushing past me.

FAQ: For new Mountain Bikers

Question #1: What bike should I get first?

I would recommend getting a hard tail for your first bike, I would recommend this because you probably don’t want to drop a lot of money on a full-suspension bike for you first mountain bike. But, that doesn’t mean you should get a bike from your local Canadian Tire or Walmart. I would recommend going to your local bike store and talking to the mechanics there about what bike you should get in your price range and what size you should get. I would also recommend spending around $800 to $1500 on a hardtail bike.

Question #2: What kind of trails should I start on?

You would want to start on easier trails for your first time learning to mountain bike, I would recommend green circles or blue square trails for when you’re learning. Don’t only stick to one type of terrain you should try all terrain, and when you start getting better you can start trying harder trails and trying more and harder features.

Question #3: What are some good ways to learn how to mountain bike?

By practice, because practice makes perfect. Just keep going out every day and mountain biking and trying new and harder features and trails.

Question #4 But really, why should I bother shifting gears?

You should shift gears because it just makes biking easier. When you’re biking up you should be in an easier gear and when you’re biking down you should be in a harder gear. Doing this will save you energy make it easier to ride certain parts of the trail.

Question #5 Why do you need so much “stuff” to go riding?  

It’s always good to have lots of stuff and to be prepared with and extra tube in case you get a flat tire, a pump to pump up that tube, a multi tool, water, high energy candy incase you crash, and toilet paper if you need to go poop are some things you might want to take with you when you go mountain biking.

Question #6 Should I only use my back brake?

No, never only use your back brake when mountain biking. I see so many people do this and it makes me cringe. You should use both your back brake and your front brake equally when mountain biking. If you do this you will have more control of your bike, control of your speed, and grip on the terrain.

Question #7 How much space should I leave between me and the person in front of me?

I would recommend leaving a car length or two, but, that can vary. Such as when you’re biking up I am usually close enough that I can touch my friend so we can talk. And on flatter sections you can also get a little bit closer together. But a good rule of thumb is that you want to be close enough so that if something happens you can stop before you crash into them.

You can also check out this link where I got some of my questions!

Mountain Biking: and why it matters to me

My name is owen and I love mountain biking, it’s my favourite sport.

I love mountain biking because I love the rush when you do a jump, drop, roll, or another feature. I also like biking with my friends and spending time talking or yelling at each other. I also like how its an all weather sport, I go in the snow, rain, sun, and cold. Finally I also like getting pizza after a bike ride in the summer.

My favourite places to go mountain biking are Mount Seymour, Big White, Squamish, Whistler, and Sliverstar.

Here is a photo of me biking this summer up mount Seymour.

The Outsiders, my First Winter Exhibition

How can the outsiders teach us about worldview? Well to answer that I need to learn a little bit about worldview and read the Outsiders. We read the Outsiders in and out of class and came to class with a discussion questions and talked about the chapters we read.To learn about worldview, I did a worldview MindNode with all our main aspects of worldview, a You VS Who character analysis on that characters main traits and worldview, a movie poster with our 2 chosen aspects of worldview, and our tableau with our 2 chosen aspects of worldview that we presented at our winter exhibition.

Now to know how to present those 2 aspects of worldview at the winter exhibition. First we had to know our scene, my scene was johnny dying in the hospital we had to do this scene in the 1960 and in 2021. Next we had to distribute roles I was a doctor, Keaton was johnny, Kai was a nurse, Gwenyth was Ponyboy, Dylan was Dally, and Jessie was Johnny spirit in the 1960s and a nurse in 2021. Then, we had to figure out the 2 aspects of worldview we were going to use and we picked values and time. Values representing how Ponyboy and dally come to see Johnny in his last moments and how Johnny picked his friends over family and time representing how Johnny died due to the medical equipment used and and in our 2021 version he was saved due to new technology and new medical equipment used.

In our first tableau in 1960 we had Nurse writing on a clipboard, Ponyboy crying, Johnny laying flat and dead, doctor (me) checking Johnny’s heart rate with a stethoscope, Dally kicking a chair because he was mad, and Johnny’s spirit standing on a chair.

In our second tableau in 2021 we had Nurse #1 writing on an iPad, Ponyboy happy and taking a photo with Johnny, Johnny sitting up in his hospital bed, Doctor checking on Johnny, Dally checking on Johnny, Nurse #2 talking to Nurse #1.

  • Here are some photos of my group and I setting up
  • Here is my individual outsiders movie poster

Here is my worldview mindnode and proof to my learning about worldview

Here is my You V.S. Who character analysis as another proof to my learning about worldview.

so, overall in this project I learned about worldview and what it is, how it affects us, and the worldview of characters in the book The Outsiders. I learned that worldview is the goggles through which we see the world and it affects everyone differently and we all see the world in a different way which will affect how we live and talk and how we live in general. 
I also learned that the characters in the outsiders have a different worldview than me, some aspects are similar or the same but some different.

Check out my team members blog posts here: Dylan, Keaton, Gwenyth, Jessie and Kai.

Constructive Creative Communication: Herzog

So far in Herzog we’ve been learning about photos and our camera. We’ve been leaning how to composing composition, adjusting angles, manufacturing mood, creating collages, moulding movement. So, how does this help us? Well, this helped us communicate more creatively by communicating through photos. And if you’re wondering how you can communicate though photos, I’ll tell you. Through photos you can communicate a certain message through the mood of the photos, the angles used, the subject of the photo, and the focus of the photo.

So now you know how to communicate creatively through a photo, now you need to know how to make photos with all of those things.

Here is my example of composing composition. Here you were supposed to take a photo of an everyday object and make it come to like by adding som simple drawings on it.
This is my example of adjusting angles. For this we had to get a photo of ourselves from when we were younger and recreate it. In this my original photo was a photo of me on the ferry with my head resting on a railing. I tried to recreate that to the best I could. To recreate the photo well you had to use the same angles and lighting. And also try to be doing the sam thing in the photo with the same background.
This is my example of manufacturing mood. In this the mood I got was crazed. This photo is a photo of my dog Lulu being crazy rolling in some self she found on the ground. In this photo you were supposed to try to take a photo that you thought represented to mood that you got well.
This is my example of creating collages. For this you had to make a blog page about you you can check mine out here. For this you were supposed to use a portrait of your head and instant alpha it. Next you were supposed to put some of you favourite things in keynote and draw arrows pointing to them. You were also supposed to take photos of random letters or things that looked like letters of your name. Next you put that into keynote and drew some patterns of something on the side.
Here is my moulding movement GIF. For this we had to make a GIF in keynote about something happening or us reacting to something. For mine I used a photo of my dog saying hello to me.
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