

Finally, we have the water type starter, Popplio. Popplio is the internet’s least favourite starter, but is my second favourite of the three. Popplio is my second favourite because his design is similar to what it is based on, yet different enough to still look like a Pokemon. I think that Popplio is cute and might have a great evolution. I feel that he will be more elegant and beautiful instead of beefy and tough.

UPDATE: The starter evolutions that have been revealed recently have proven my predictions to be correct! Yay me! I am really sorry that Popplio evolves into Brionne. In my opinion, Brionne is not the greatest designed Pokémon ever.



This is Rowlet, the grass/flying type starter for Pokemon sun and moon. Rowlet is the favourite starter of the majority of people, but he’s my least favourite starter of the sun and moon starters. I still like him, but someone have to be last. Sorry Rowlet.

UPDATE: Rowlet’s evolution is just slightly above Litten’s in terms of my favorite, but just slightly. Good job Rowlet. Way to make the middle evolution look cool and edgy all in one with Dartrix.



This is Litten, the fire type starter Pokemon for Pokemon Sun and Moon that come out in November. Im really exited for these games for many reasons, but mostly because litten will be my starter and litten is really adorable. Similar to another drawing later on, Litten design is similar to what he is based on, but different enough to look like a Pokemon.

UPDATE: Litten’s next evolution is SO COOL looking! However, because Nintendo and Game Freak changed Torracat’s coulor from a midnight black to a grayish black when it evolves, Torracat is my second favorite, just slightly behind Dartrix, Rowlets evolution. But I’m still picking litten as my starter.

Camera Angles

Click here to see the photos I took
So this is my very first PLP blog post on camera angles. Our assignment was to create a poster or image displaying different camera angles used by movie/film directors. At first, I had trouble getting the shots I needed, but after my targets stoped moving as much as they did, I got multiples of each shot. Each shot gives a different feeling to the audience. The establishing shot establishes the area the next scene takes place in. The low-angle shot makes what ever is in the shot feel more intimidating😈Rraaa.

For taking the photos I used my ipads camera(obviously) and an app called “Comic Life 3” (Comic Life 3 by plasq LLC
https://appsto.re/ca/iMvi1.i) to edit my photos onto the page you see above(or below). I then started with a 2×3 comic page. After I got my photos placed where I wanted them to be, I placed speech bubbles as titles for each of the photos. Then I messed around with background colors and speech bubble colors. And after all that I finally added my page title, and was done that part of the assignment. After, I spent some time editing both this blog post and the image you can veiw above the post by clicking the link.