Camera Angles

Click here to see the photos I took
So this is my very first PLP blog post on camera angles. Our assignment was to create a poster or image displaying different camera angles used by movie/film directors. At first, I had trouble getting the shots I needed, but after my targets stoped moving as much as they did, I got multiples of each shot. Each shot gives a different feeling to the audience. The establishing shot establishes the area the next scene takes place in. The low-angle shot makes what ever is in the shot feel more intimidating😈Rraaa.

For taking the photos I used my ipads camera(obviously) and an app called “Comic Life 3” (Comic Life 3 by plasq LLC to edit my photos onto the page you see above(or below). I then started with a 2×3 comic page. After I got my photos placed where I wanted them to be, I placed speech bubbles as titles for each of the photos. Then I messed around with background colors and speech bubble colors. And after all that I finally added my page title, and was done that part of the assignment. After, I spent some time editing both this blog post and the image you can veiw above the post by clicking the link.

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