Swift Playgrounds 50%

For the past while we have be coding using Swift Playgrounds. Swift Playgrounds is a coding app that uses swift coding language. In Swift you write a code that tells your character “byte” where to go and what to do. Each level is slightly more challenging than the last, requiring you to focus and think about what to write and what consequence each command would have on byte.


This is the “across the board” level.

As we completed chapters in swift playgrounds, we wrote reflections on them about how we felt about the chapter. Here are some quotes from mine.
-“Each level was about bugs and debugging, and the final level was my favourite of all. It was my favourite because of how simple, yet complicated it was. We had to get Byte to collect a gem and toggle a switch in the shortest line of code possible using portals.”
-“I found the shortest route on my first try, but it took me a few minuets to think about what would happen when a certain command was told.”


After that came the challenging part. We had to use “loop code” to make byte do the same commands a certain amount of times. The loop itself wasn’t difficult but getting the right code was. I found the trial and error of loop codes to be very confusing at first, and still do as im wrighting this very sentence.

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