Term one is over!

Term one is over! This means that the mini-exhibition is over, we’ve gone to Oregon, and we got our report cards. Im super exitied for what term two will have to for me, but until then I plan to reflect on the major events as a whole.

img_0324The bridge going into Astoria

The first major thing that happened this term was our trip to Oregon. Sadly, this came much later than we had hoped. Because Mr. Hughes injured his leg and it wasn’t fully healed by the time the trip was planed to happen, we couldn’t go for about another month. When his leg was healed enough to go, we went down to Astoria on the first day, stayed there for two nights, then went to Newport. During our stay at Newport, we slept in yurts for three nights. I found these to be very cramped, simple because they weren’t big, and there were a lot of bags and luggage in the yurts with us. During the final night we stayed in little cabins at a place I can’t remember the name of. I really enjoyed staying in these cabins because I could charge my iPad and phone for the long drive back home. They were also less cramped.

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The second major event that took place during the first term was the PLP mini exhibition. In preparation for the exhibition we were all assigned to a group based on a question we chose. I was assigned to the “invasive species” group with Luca J, Austin, Kiefer, Alivia, and Robin. For the actual assignment, I chose to answer “How do invasive species get to Vancouver, and what can we do to stop them”. Because we all had to make something engaging to the audience, I chose to make brochures and bring a bowl of candy for the audience to take.
I learned quite a lot from this assignment, including the answers to my question. If I could do anything differently it would be to either make more engaging brochures, or to make something different all together. I felt that my brochures were a bit disengaging towards the audience.

img_0940img_0941The two completed sides.

I think my group worked really we together because we had two tables. One was an ocean modelled table and the other (the one I was at) was modelled as a land table. We also taped green streamers on to the Ceiling of the area around the ocean table, to make it feel as if you were under water and in a kelp forest. Even though this event was great there were still a few things that I didn’t like. The biggest problem for me was a lack of time. We had one week from getting an approved question to watching out parents walk through the door. From what I know, because the Oregon trip was postponed and we had to work on an Oregon book in book creator after getting back, we got much less time than we should have had.

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