Google Year-in Review!

The Google Year-in Review was made by google to show us what the most popular search trends on google of this last year were, and after watching it I would like to point out parts that I didn’t recognize.

The first ting I didn’t recognize was the scene with the man wearing the “free hugs” shirt. This man was standing in front of a line of police men, and appears to be part of the “Free Hugs” group of people. These people go around busy areas with signs or shirts with “Free Hugs”, and they will give free hugs to anyone who wants one, for any reason.


Another thing that I didn’t recognize was the rocket landing on a platform in the ocean. I found out that this is the “SpaceX” program, and after looking into it, it seem really cool. The people behind SpaceX want to make fully reusable space rockets, to save lots of money for space travel once the rockets are built.


One thing that I found surprising was that Pokémon Go was a part of this video. Even though this was released on July 6, 2016, I would have expected to see it on the YouTube rewind video instead. This is because, to me, it feels like something that would be searched on YouTube instead of google.


If I could make a year in review about my life in 2016, it would include my graduation, the official adoption of my cousin Howie, my aunt finishing her chemo therapy, and other events like Christmas and my birthday.

img_0999My two year old cousin Howie, making me lunch. Yes, he is cutting a cabbage with a knife while frying it on a table.

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