Throughout the year in our Maker class we have been working on a unit about growth mindset, and you may be wondering “what is growth mindset?”, well I’m going to tell you. Growth mindset is something one can have for just about anything; if you are willing to work on something no matter how challenging or how may times you failed, if you see failing as a chance to learn from you mistakes, if you are willing to to whatever it takes to achieve your goal, then you have a growth mindset.
Growth mindset is the opposite of a fixed mindset. If you have a fixed mindset, you are not willing to work hard or keep trying, and you need someone to tell you you can succeed. For example, if you say “I’m bad at sports and I’m never going to be good at them” you have a fixed mindset about you sports ability. But if you have a growth mindset about you sports ability, you might say ” I’m bad, but I will strive to get better and I won’t give up”.
One recent assignment we had was to make a long term goal and put it on to a selfie of ourselves. My long term goal was “By working hard and doing my best, I will complete whatever challenge I have”, and I decided to be silly and take a really cheesy selfie to put with my goal.
During this project I learned that making a long term goal can be really hard. I wanted to have a goal that was broad, specific and not strict, so I have to really think about how to word my goal and what to say with it. If I could do anything different next time I would take a different selfie and maybe make it less cheesy or just take one outside.
(I don’t own any of these photos except the last one)