Oregon- what happened?

On November 19, 2016 we left for Oregon. During our trip we went to several different places in the American State known as Oregon. I’ve all ready talked about most of what we did in Oregon, so click here to see that post. This trip wasn’t technically a field trip. It was actually a field study. A field study is when you are doing most of your classes outside or just out of a classroom. Because we were nowhere near the classroom, the entire trip was a field study.

Some of what I didn’t talk about then was the Oregon advertisements that we made. We had to make three ads; one business, one tourist, and one advocating for tsunami safety. My business ad was for a Thai restaurant called Nisa’s Thai kitchen. My tourist ad was supposed to be for south beach, but since it was raining really hard on the day we were meant to go to the beach, we were then supposed to make an ad for cannon beach. Finally, my advocacy ad on tsunami safety, I chose to make sort of a grim ad, cause I’m most scared of tsunamis here in Vancouver.

I made these ads using an app called Keynote, and I took most of the photos myself. I did get some really helpful critique from my peers and parents, which helped a lot. If I could do anything different next time it would be to possibly get better photos. I think that some of these photos are a bit…iffy compared to what they could have been.

One part of the trip that I would like to bring up was the science estuary study. In this study we had to find ghost shrimp, and see if they had an infection. I just want to say that these shrimp were terrifying. Imagine a giant spider, that SWIMS. I would rather go to the moon without training than have to do this study again. My drawing is a little bit less terrifying.

Finally, the last part about our trip was that we had to make an iBook about what we did over the trip. The ‘frame’ was given to us by Mrs. Willemse, and we filled out the rest during our trip. This book included parts about thanksgiving, Black Friday, the giant rain storm on the second last day, etc (actually the last one wasn’t originally in the book, we put it in after south beach was canceled). After we made this book, we put it onto the google drive. Mine is simply called “Going coastal

There you go! A blog post on what we did in Oregon. I had a lot of fun and would like to go back, except go back to the estuary lab. Thanks for reading!

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