Justin Trudeau

Justin Pierre James Trudeau (or Justin Trudeau) is the Prime Minister of Canada. He is a part of the Liberal party.

Many people have thought of who is influential in there life, and for me, that would be our prime minister, Justin Trudeau. He was born in Ottawa, Ontario on December 25th, 1971, making him 46 currently. His brothers are Alexandre and Michel Trudeau, and his parents are Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair.

So you may be wondering, “How is Justin Trudeau a very influential person in your life?” Well I will tell you. While yes, he hasn’t had much impact on my life personally, he’s kinda the Prime Minister, so he has a large impact on all of Canada.

Something that is kinda cool about him was that he lived in whistler for a while, and so did my aunt. They used to hang out at parties and were good friends when they both lived in whistler. He also met my Grade 7 teacher and she played soccer with him and his dad.

If I could ask our Prime Minister one question, I would ask him “if another world war started while you were prime minister, what would you have Canada do? Would we fight, or would we shelter those who needed it?”. I imagine he would say something like “Canada would send troops to battle, but we would take care of people first.” This would be said because Canada is a very caring country, and most of us would be willing to help those who need help.

Justin Trudeau is the 23 prime minister of Canada. I’m not sure who the next one will be, but im sure whoever it is will be just as influential as Mr. Trudeau.

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