Why do people explore?

Exploration is key to any new colony. Have knowledge of your surrounding is important. But throughout history, many people have explored for one or two reasons. These two reasons are the leading reasons to why people explore. People will explore to either gain as many resources as possible to benefit the home empire, or to spread that home empire, and indoctrinate people under one religion/leader.

Does anyone remember the Roman Empire? They explored the land around them to claim it under Roman rule. They captured cities and took prisoners to spread Roman rule and indoctrinate people under the Roman religion. However, Rome fell due to its massive size and inability to control all the land.

Many people explore for the other reason, as well. France and Britain first explored the new world to find a quick trade route to India, but found North and South America instead. Because they found this new land, they explored to find resources like gold, silver, minerals, spices, and crops. Little did they know that First Nations were already living there.

There is a third reason as to why people explore that dates back to a really long time ago. People, long long ago, explored to follow the traveling food. This caused people to travel across the land bridge between Russia and Alaska. As the food traveled across the bridge, humans followed. This lead humans to explore Eurasia and the Americas. Now just one question remains. How did humans get to Australia and Polynesia(Hawaii)?

Having knowledge of your surroundings is important. Exploration is key to any new colony. But people rarely explore to just gain knowledge.

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