Overwatch for Christmas!

Christmas has come and gone and I got some really good things from it. One of those being Overwatch. I wanted this game for about a month, and boy has it been fun.


For those of you who are wondering “What is Overwatch?”, Overwatch is a Class-Based Team-Oriented First-Person-Shooter. It doesn’t have a story mode and the objective changes based on the map. Currently there are 4 different modes, Escort, Control, Assault and Assault/Escort.


At the beginning of the match you pick a hero to play as, and each hero is in one of four categories. These four being Offense, Defense, Tank, and Support. Offense heroes do lots of damage, defense heroes are excellent at stopping the enemies from capturing objectives, tanks soak up damage for the team, and supports will, surprise surprise, support your team by healing them or giving them more max health.


After playing for some time I have determined that my favorite hero, or my “main” is Junkrat, a defense hero that blows stuff up! His basic attack launches a grenade that will explode after a certain amount of time or after hitting an enemy. I also play Roadhog, one of the most tank-like heroes with 600 health, self heal an hook that brings enimies closer to you, and a shotgun that deals tons of damage up close. Lastly, I also play a lot of Lucio, a support hero with really good A.O.E. healing and speed boost. To put that bluntly, he just needs to exist to be helpful.


So far there are 23 different heroes to chose from with another soon to be on their way, and I want to get better at all of them, but the ones I want to get better at the most is either McCree or Soldier:76. This is because these two are in the offense category, and I’m not very good at any hero in Offense. Another reason is because these two are some what easy compared to other offense heroes, like Genji or Pharah who both need a lot of skill.

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